Note that the complete bipartite graph K1,n−1 and [16] gives exρ(n,F7)=Θ(n1/2), and the result of Erdős [5] and Benson [2] shows that ex(n,F7)=Θ(n4/3). Based on this Turán number, we can deduce that some degree distributions are not realizable for graphs with ...
D.S. Hochbaum and A. Levin. Covering the edges of bipartite graphs using K2,2 graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, 411(1):1-9, 2010.D.S. Hochbaum and A. Levin. Covering the edges of bipartite graphs using K2,2 graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, 411(1):1 - 9, 2010....
(n −1)/2 +9.9 ×10 −6 m 2 n 2 for sufficiently large m and n. 1 Introduction Determining the crossing number of the complete bipartite graph is one of the oldest crossing number open problems. It was first posed by Turan and known as Turan’s brick factory problem. In ...
(G)ofagraphGistheminimumnumberofpairwise edgecrossingsinadrawingofGintheplane(thus,agraphisplanarifand onlyifitscrossingnumberis0).Crossingnumberproblemswereintroducedby Tur´an,whoseworkinabrickfactoryduringtheSecondWorldWarledhim toinquireaboutthecrossingnumberofthecompletebipartitegraphsK m,n . Itis...
The edit distance function of a hereditary property, , is a function of p, and measures, asymptotically, the furthest graph of edge density p from under this metric. In this article, we address the hereditary property , the property of having no induced copy of the complete bipartite graph ...
-N#: all (complete graps) graphs with this number of nodes or fewer are considered (tight) sparse. The default value is max(⌊k⌋,2) or the highest n such that a complete graph on n vertices is (k,l)-sparse. Both -K and -L accept rational numbers making it possible to gener...
Super (a, d)-edge-antimagic total labelings of complete bipartite graphs An (a, d)-edge-antimagic total labeling of a graph G is a bijection f from V(G) ∪ E(G) onto {1, 2,..., |V(G)| + |E(G)|} with the property that the edge-we... Zhihe,LIANG - 《中国数学前沿:...
Therefore, degeneracy and tree-width are unbounded in the class of (C3, C4, . . . , Ck)-free graphs for any value of k, and for k ≥ 4 the set of forbidden induced subgraphs include both a complete graph C3 and a complete bipartite graph C4. This discussion shows that, similarly ...
The edges joining six vertices of G with n vertices of C n form the complete bipartite graph K 6 , n , and so G + C n = G ∪ K 6 , n ∪ C n * = G ∪ ⋃ i = 1 6 T v i ∪ C n * . (8) In the proofs of the theorems, the following two statements regarding...
PADI4 is a peptidyl-arginine deiminase (PADI) involved in the conversion of arginine to citrulline. PADI4 is present in macrophages, monocytes, granulocytes, and several cancer cells. It is the only PADI family member observed within both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. PADI4 has a predicted nu...