Purpose of the plan; Key features; Substance-abuse prevention aspects of the program; Activities.HoffordCraigW.SpelmanKelleyA.Journal of Wellness PerspectivesHofford, C.W. & Spelman, K.A. 1996. The community action plan: Incorporating health promotion and wellness into alcohol, tobacco and other...
首先我们需要了解这个句子(The community decided to take ___action to cope with problems such as school inadequacies.)的大致意思。其中的"community"为名词社区的意思, "cope with"为动词短语解决的意思。那么这个句子意思为:社区决定采取什么样的行动来解决诸如学校不足等问题。然后我们只需将选项意思带入句子...
This study examined the Community Action Framework, one theory-based community youth development model, through the experiences of the Ready by 21 Austin/Travis County coalition (RB21). The coalition connects youth-serving organizations and also regional coalitions, while promoting the positive ...
aUNESCO's Cooperative Action Program (Co-Action) enables individuals and groups to make direct contributions to community development projects such as schools, libraries, and vocational institutions for the disabled in developing countries. An illustrated catalog of selected Co-Action projects describing ...
Remember, we serve a wide community of users. Our day-to-day involves us constantly asking "which top priority is our top priority." If you submit well-written PRs that solve problems concisely, that's an awesome contribution. Otherwise, as much as we'd love to accept your ideas and con...
The teacher, who was hired by a committee of citizens, had to teach what the local community expected. 这样,未来就决定了:美国的教育仍然掌握在州和地方政府手中。 And so the future was decided: education in the United States was to remain in the hands of state and local governments. ...
The Participaction Community Challenge grant program – applications now closed As part of the 2025 Community Challenge, ParticipACTION will be providing grants of up to $1,500 to community organizations to help them promote and deliver sport and physical activity opportunities to equity-denied group...
and motivators. Tactics and techniques of inspiring and vision development are stressed to coordinate community action. The imagination of social goodness is an autonomous and democratic action of residents. The working atmosphere is more ...
Click the below button to read all about the program and how you too could one day become an Umbraco MVP. Umbraco MVP Program Umbracians in Action! The Umbraco community is active in so many ways, you couldn't fit it into a text box.Discover, read, listen, connect, contribute and ...
Sustained funding is key to quickly releasing new features requested by you and other community members Being self-funded and independent, we can personally promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services ...