The Commonwealth Games 释义 英联邦运动会 实用场景例句 全部 I competed inthe Commonwealth Gamesin Christchurch, which was my swan song. 我参加了在克赖斯特彻奇举办的英联邦运动会,那是我的告别比赛。 柯林斯例句
辛格的政府已深陷各种丑闻泥潭,包括英联邦运动会(CommonwealthGames)、贿选以及一桩涉及军方高官的土地诈骗。 5. Withlessthan 48 hourstogo until theopeningoftheCommonwealthGamesinDelhi,securityat thevenueisaprimeconcern. 现在距离印度新德里英联邦运动会开幕不到两天,确保场馆安全成了当务之急。
Commonwealth Forestry Association Commonwealth Fund Commonwealth Fund / Harvard University Fellowship Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation Commonwealth Funding Commonwealth Games Commonwealth Games Commonwealth Games Association Commonwealth Games Associations ...
英联邦运动会(英语:The Commonwealth Games),是英联邦国家每四年举办一次的综合运动会。 英联运首次举办于1930年,当时被称为大英帝国运动会(The British Empire Games)。 运动会的名称在1954年被改为大英帝国和联邦运动会(British Empire and Commonwealth Games),又于1970年改为不列颠联邦运动会(British Commonwealth ...
Commonwealth Games Click here to show/hide all pages about the Commonwealth Games All about the Commonwealth Games 2022 Commonwealth Games - Birmingham, England 2018 Commonwealth Games - Gold Coast, Australia 2014 Commonwealth Games - Glasgow, Scotland Table Tennis Events Calendars Click here to show...
The Commonwealth Games will be returning to Glasgow in 2026 but with a much smaller footprint than the successful edition held in 2014. These drastic, last-minute changes to the core of the Games has effectively saved the event from extinction. ...
Alex Ward spent a month volunteering as a medical assistant at Manchester's Commonwealth Games this year. He tells us what he got up to In early July, my finals ended with a harrowing objective structured clinical examination. The relief of finishing my exams turned to excitement as I ...
"It is a good day for Glasgow. The city has a proven track record of hosting world-class events, from the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships to the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Hosting the 2026 Games will build on that success, with the potential to catalyse further investment and cit...
The state government of Victoria in Australia on Tuesday announced that plans to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games have been cancelled, as costs will be ‘too high’ at over 6 billion Australian dollars (4 billion US dollars). The Victoria government has advised the Commonwealth Games Federation ...
“Malaysia has a fantastic track record of delivering sporting events, and the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur were hugely successful,” a CGF spokesperson toldAFP. “We are encouraged by their early concepts of building on this legacy through...