阿尔法咖啡馆(Alpha the cafe)是一个放松的好去处,非常适合享用美味的咖啡和甜点。教堂旁酒吧与餐厅(Church Side Bar & Restaurant)则提供轻松的氛围,适合与朋友聚会。最后,彩虹家庭餐厅(Hotel Rainbow Family Restaurant)以其美味的家常菜而受到欢迎,是您用餐的又一绝佳选择。无论您是想享受一顿丰盛的晚餐还是轻松...
espresso shop- a cafe where espresso is served estaminet- a small (and usually shabby) cafe selling wine and beer and coffee pull-in,pull-up- a roadside cafe especially for lorry drivers eatery,eating house,eating place,restaurant- a building where people go to eat ...
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senior common room (redirected fromsenior common rooms) n (Education) (in British universities, colleges, etc) a common room for the use of academic staff. Comparejunior common room Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, ...
Cafes and restaurants may seem similar, but not everyone knows how different they actually are. Learn the differences between a cafe and restaurant here.
而Purple Goat Cafe则提供美味的糕点和咖啡。无论您喜欢什么口味,周围的餐厅都能满足您的需求。温馨舒适的住宿体验西班牙24小时小屋-可携带宠物的客户评论中,多位旅客都赞扬了它的清洁舒适、可爱的早餐和愉快的交谈。如果您想要舒适的住宿、家一般的氛围和友善的工作人员,这里将会让您非常满意。该酒店地理位置优越,...
此外,Early Riser Cafe 是一个完美的早餐去处,您可以在这里享用丰盛的早午餐。对于披萨爱好者,King Richie's Pizzeria 和 Evergreen Pizza & Souvlaki 都是不可错过的美味选择。而想要尝试融合菜的客人,Fusion Restaurant 将为您带来独特的美食体验。无论您选择哪一家餐厅,都会为您的旅程增添美好的回忆。购物天堂:...
此外,您還可以在Tropical Smoothie Cafe享用清新的果汁和沙拉,或是在Dolce Salato Pizza and Gelato Fort Lauderdale品嚐美味的比薩和義式冰淇淋。最後,如果您想要嚐嚐當地的手工冰淇淋,不妨去Wilton Creamery一試。這些餐廳提供了多樣化的選擇,滿足了不同口味的需求。
There are some common drinks you’ll find at any cafe in Italy, but there are a lot of possibilities and coffee menus can be long with all the variations. There are also sometimes cafe-specific specialties as well as regional drinks from around Italy that pop up on Roman menus as well....