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astrong body 强的身体[translate] ahetrieve a hardcopy output for a dvorak EXECuTiON cycle hetrieve为dvorak施行周期输出的硬拷贝[translate] alaws are substantially derived from the common law of England 法律从英国的普通法极大地获得[translate]
Matthew Hale创作的公版免费书小说《The History of the Common Law of England》,已更新276章,最新章节:第276章 The Ninth Book(24)。
1) The History of the Common Law of England 英国普通法的历史例句>> 2) The Historical Dimension of the Common Law 普通法的历史之维3) English Common Law 英国普通法 例句>> 4) history of the common people 普通人的历史 例句>> 5) the whole span of English history 英国历史的全程...
a八点 八点[translate] apillow,sheet 枕头,板料[translate] asideswipe 8 enemies 擦边过8个敌人[translate] ain a jurisdiction whose laws are substantially derived from the common law of England 在法律从英国的普通法极大地获得的司法[translate]
霍布斯《一位哲学家与英格兰普通法学者的对话(A dialogue between a philosopher and a student of the common laws of England)》 【按语:《对话》是霍布斯1666撰写,1681死后出版的一部法学作品。由于缺乏法学思想史的背景知识,只能粗读。迄今读过的博丹的《主权论(节选自国家论六书)》和霍布斯的《对话》是两部...
Discusses the approach of Scottish philosopher David Hume to the common law of England. Argument of author Duncan Forbes with regards to the book "Hume's Philosophical Politics"; Implication of Hume's view that all people are possessed with sufficient natural reason to pass judgment on the law;...
在其至死都没有完成的巨著《英格兰的成文法和普通法》 (The Statute and Common Law of England)中,布拉克顿明确提出了“国…www.mgyj.com|基于3个网页 3. 英格兰的成文法与普通法 ...法学的第一位宗师亨利?德?布拉克顿在其未完的巨著《英格兰的成文法与普通法》(The Statute and Common Law of England...
5.The First Prince of Wales was___. 6.The Battle of___was the last of the conflicts in the Wars of the Roses. 7.The Common Law of England was first gathered by___. 8.It was during the House of___that American was discovered. 9.___is regarded as the foundation stone of Engli...
The Common law of England has been compared to a broad river with many tributaries or to a tree with many deep roots and myriad branches. It is inherently conservative in a Burkean sense: its authority depends on its antiquity, on its ability to change and on popular involvement and public...