A unique edition of the Book of Common Prayer that brings together the texts of three different versions - 1549, 1559, and 1662 - to provide a panorama of the history of ritual in England from the Reformation to the twentieth century. The first edition for the common reader, regardless of...
For the 350th anniversary of the 1662 edition intimately familiar to our most enduring writers, an exquisite deluxe edition of the Anglican prayer book and literary masterpiece. As essential to the canon as the Bible and the plays of Shakespeare, The Book of Common Prayer has been in daily ...
狄迪恩对美国加州文化和20世纪60年代的混乱进行了尖锐的报道,这使她成为了“新新闻主义”的主要倡导者,她的作品《顺其自然》(Play It as It Lays)和《共同祈祷书》(The Book of Common Prayer)宣告了一个艰难的时代的到来。 狄迪恩因在《生活》杂志和《周六晚邮报》发表了一系列精雕细琢、引人深思的专题文章...
If this edition of the texts of the Book of Common Prayer might seem, at first sight like a modern replacement of F.E. Brightman's great work of 1915, the two volume English Rite , that suspicion is quickly dispelled. Brightman prints in parallel the three texts of 1549, 1552, and ...
91. 《公祷书》(The Book of Common Prayer)1662 托马斯·克兰麦 (Thomas Cranmer) 92. 《佩皮斯日记》(Pepys's Diary)1660 塞缪尔·佩皮斯 (Samuel Pepys) 93. 《翁葬》 (Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial, or, a Discourse of the Sepulchral Urns lately found in Norfolk)1658 ...
[Eleanor Roosevelt’s copy of the Book of Common Prayer (courtesy of NPS.gov)] Since its first publication in 1549 during the reign of King Henry VIII, the language of the Book of Common Prayer has saturated English culture. It’s become a venerable work that continues to touc...
How The Book of Common Prayer became one of the most influential works in the English languageWhile many of us are familiar with such famous words as, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here. . ." or "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust," we may not know that they originated with ...
网络释义 1. 公祷书 ...员都被要求接受英国国教的按立,公开宣告无条件服从《公祷书》(Book of the Common Prayer
The Book of Common PrayerˌBook ofˌCommonˈPrayer, The a book used in Church of England and Episcopal churches, which contains the words spoken by the priest and by the people in church at weekly services and at weddings, funerals etc ...