Using command ‘wsl’, there's no response. (#10866), similarity score: 0.89 Closed similar issues: WSL is not responding to anything (#7885), similarity score: 0.90 WSL doesn't works (#3296) WSL doesn't works (#4265), similarity score: 0.88 can't use wsl command (#10728), similari...
Too many simultaneously open applications consume processing power, which is a common reason for your computer not responding. Furthermore, your computer may operate slowly for various reasons, including malware infestation, hardware problems, excessive memory utilization, etc. Those are a few of the ...
main Unexpected input(s) 'appInsightsKey', valid inputs are ['token', 'notYetReleasedLabel', 'insidersReleasedLabel']
In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and hit Enter. sfc/scannow Wait for a few minutes until the scanning process is completed. Once the scan is completed, reboot your device and run the application again to see if you’re still encountering the “Program is not respondi...
If there are memory leaks on your system, you might face applications not responding to Windows 10. To resolve it, we suggest running the Memory check command. To do so, follow the steps below: 1. Press Windows + R to open Run command ...
If this command returnsFalse, then the RDP port on the server RDP port isn’t responding, it may be blocked by a firewall, or it may not be listened to by the remote host. It is also possible that the remote computer is simply switched off or is in a sleep mode. ...
Step 4: Now copy and paste the command and hit theEnterkey to execute it for releasing and renewing the IP address. ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew Step 5: Once it is done, close the command prompt window and reboot your system once and check if the problem still persists or not. ...
Message: The RHN Monitoring Daemon (RHNMD) is not responding: ssh: connect to host port 4545: Connection refused. Please make sure the daemon is running and the host is accessible from the monitoring scout. Command was: /usr/bin/ssh -l nocpulse -p 4545 -i /var/lib/nocpu...
The Windows Update service helps protect your computer by installing the latest critical updates and security features. You can use the net start command to start the Windows Update service if it is disabled or has stopped responding. If you have recently shut down or restarted your computer, th...
1. Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator. 2. Type the following command and then pressEnterkey: del/q/f/s %TEMP%\* 7. Launch the Windows Troubleshooter If the problem is still not fixed, Windows built-in troubleshooters might be able to help you fix the application freezing issue...