备份数据:在执行可能对系统造成重大影响的命令之前,务必备份重要数据。 4. 寻求专业帮助 如果你不确定某个命令是否安全,或者你不确定如何以root/administrator身份运行它,最好寻求专业帮助。这可以是你的系统管理员、IT支持团队或专业的技术咨询人员。 总之,当你看到“the command again as root/administrator”的提示时...
the command again as root/Administrator 以管理员身份运行。 顺便测试一下git bash和cmd安装nmp intall,测试他们之间的关系,发现git bash应该比cmd命令更丰富一点,推荐使用git bash.
npm i命令报the command again as root/Administrato 首先在确保自己node版本和np版本是符合的情况下 :对照https://nodejs.org/zh-cn/download/releases/,查看node和npm相对的版本 报错代码4048一般情况都是管理权限不够 可以win10系统中搜素PowerShell,右键以管理员身份运行,打开后执行命令:set-ExecutionPolicy Remote...
so our so persistent so please dont say lo so please just stop t so please think again so please treasure no so prissy so quickly dissolved so refreshing so remarkably fine so she sees sex as a so she took her love so simple so smell and lack of so smile so solution providers so soo...
feedback when you run it from a command console as a command line. When extadsch.exe runs, it generates a log file in the root of the system drive namedextadsch.log, which indicates whether the schema update completed successfully or any problems that were encountered while extending the ...
If you forget the password as a super administrator (admin by default), the root administrator _super_admin can log in to the CLI through a serial port and run the initpasswd command to reset the password. When LDAP User is used: For a domain user of domain authentication server 0, t...
After the configuration is completed, run the ldap-server authentication manager-password password [ repassword ] command to change the administrator password of the LDAP authentication server. Run quit Return to the system view. Run pki realm realm-name The view of an existing PKI realm...
Clients that try to access the DFS Root information or the DFS Link information may receive an "access denied" error message during an attempt to connect while the domain controller is in DSREPAIR mode. This behavior is by design. Run NTDSUTIL files integrity check from the W...
Steps to performing a manual diagnosis are as follows: Request that each host administrator runGet-HgsTracespecifying a known-Pathand the list of diagnostics you intend to run against the resulting traces. For example: PowerShell Get-HgsTrace-PathC:\Traces-DiagnosticNetworking,BestPractices ...
Try to visit the Windows Update Web site or the Microsoft Update Web site again. If the problem is resolved, do not continue troubleshooting. Method 5 Rename the Catroot2 folder. To do this, type the following commands at a command prompt, pressing ENTER after each line: ...