The Color of Evil (2010) 导演: Carlos Duenas 编剧: Carlos Duenas 主演: Robert Miano / Pino Moreau 制片国家/地区: 西班牙 语言: 英语 IMDb: tt1058515 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想看 看过 评价: 写短评 写影评 分享到 推荐 The Color of Evil的图片 ··· ( 添加图片 ) 我要写短评 The Col...
The Color of Evil(2008) 片名 The Color of Evil 又名 The Color of Evil 影片类型 灾难 惊悚 出品国家/地区 西班牙 上映时间 美国 2008-08-02 2008 首映日期 2008年08月02日 首映地区 美国 语言 英语 评分 6.7
“I will take the first share,” he said,“because I am King: and the second share,as a partner with you in the chase: and the third share(believe me)will be a source of great evil to you,unless you willingly resign it to me,and set off as fast as you can.” Might ...
By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon, full chested and round and the color of ivory, the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape. 待到皓月当空,满月如盘,闪烁着象牙般乳白的清辉,山谷便成了风景中一片片幽深的阴影。 The dogs, reassured that this was the familiar moon, stopped ...
The Spring Festival is the beginning of a new year, symbolizing new emotions and new hope. This is a time full of laughter. When you are with your family and friends, you will feel like the happiest person, because at this time you are surrounded by love. The color of the Spring ...
而他的那些黑暗面,那些尖锐而灼烧着的憎恨和傲慢,因为互相之间的引力而聚集到了一起.最终,这些黑暗和邪恶形成了一个实体,那是一只怪兽——名为Tathamet(塔撒梅特)的一条龙.这条龙有七个头,它是Anu的所有黑暗面的化身,又被称为根源的邪恶——the Prime Evil(恶首)....
The Source of Evil: Directed by Greg Carson. With Kenny Bates, Michael Bay, Jimmy Bennett, Isabel Conner.
而他的那些黑暗面,那些尖锐而灼烧着的憎恨和傲慢,因为互相之间的引力而聚集到了一起.最终,这些黑暗和邪恶形成了一个实体,那是一只怪兽——名为Tathamet(塔撒梅特)的一条龙.这条龙有七个头,它是Anu的所有黑暗面的化身,又被称为根源的邪恶——the Prime Evil(恶首)....
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