In Zimbabwe children were long given African names with meaning. This practice switched after British colonisation, when having an English name was seen as a way of getting ahead. Names may refer to circumstances around the birth, a quality parents see in the child, an aspiration for them—or...
Barson M, Nhiwatiwa T (2010) Influence of drought and flooding on the colonisation of floodplain pans by riverine fish in the Zimbabwean lowveld. Afr J Aquat Sci 35:205-208BARSON M and NHIWATIWA T (2010) Influence of drought and flooding on the colonisation of floodplain pans by ...
The security elements remain democratic; they fought and are fighting against all forms of oppression regardless of its racial format. In 1978, Josiah Tongogara, a decorated commander of the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (Zanla), attested the army's position in issues of democracy and...
One of the greatest achievements of the President of Zimbabwe comrade Emerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is to honour the heroes. The president has shown that he does not forget those deserving to be honoured. On that basis it is safe to trust the nation with him. On ascending to the throne the ...
Instead, patronage politics and encroachment tactics are likely to dominate the redistribution of as yet unsettled State land. Notes, ref., sum. 展开 关键词: zimbabwe, colonisation rurale, terre, tierras, land, rural settlement, colonizacion ...
Google Share on Facebook aweto (ˈɑːˌfɑːtɔː) n (Animals) a variant spelling ofawhato Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Phase 2: This later phase encompasses the territorial ambitions of the Union and would see the incorporation of the “High Commission Territories”, German South West Africa (Namibia), the southern half of Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique – Delagoa bay) and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) to all...
Colonisation of woody material in Pinus radiata plantations by Armillaria novae-zelandiae basidiospores Australasian Plant Pathology, 37 (2008), p. 347 Google Scholar Hseu et al., 1996 R.S. Hseu, H.H. Wang, H.F. Wang, et al. Differentiation and grouping of isolates of the Ganoderma luc...
Africa is home to 55 countries, an ancient and complex history, modern cities, some 3,000 languages and over a billion people. From Algeria to Zimbabwe, here’s a snapshot of each country on a continent you need to know more about.
Over the past 20 years, poverty rates in Zimbabwe have worsened. However, the absence of official up-to-date statistics makes it difficult to measure accurately the current status of poverty in the country. The objective of this paper was to provide empirical estimates of this phenomenon in Gur...