LondonNest学生公寓 今天19:00 来自微博 The Collective位于伦敦西北部,是我们参观过的最好的住所之一。有了这种住宿,您可以享受健身房,水疗和桑拿,游戏室等等。 Collective Old Oak是一栋明亮而现代的住所,我们提供带共用或私人小厨房的住宿选择。客房配备齐全,包括私人浴室,小双人床,电视屏幕,带额外存储... Ezra Collective 于 2016 年 5 月 22 日在 Sofar London 表演“Enter The Jungle”。 Sofar Sounds 通过在独特场地举办的亲密表演将世界各地的艺术家和音乐爱好者联系在一起。 Ezra Collective是一支英国爵士五重奏乐队,由鼓手兼乐队领队 Femi Koleoso、贝斯手 TJ Koleoso、键盘手...
Find game-changing convenience in one all-inclusive bill. We take care of the life admin, so you can focus on what moves you. Look Around Live at The Collective - a space with unique personality and flare so you can enjoy the best of private and shared living. ...
在The Collective,每月有无限量的免费wifi上网,床上用品,自行车存放,洗衣设施服务,厨房用品和清洁服务。周末抵达和离开,可能会在周一至周五入住。您必须出示您的身份证件和确认信。最短租期:18周。有关预订请求和更多信息,请访问我们的网站O网页链接 更多信息请访问London Nest官网:O网页链接...
However, in the popular media the term ‘sex club’ has been used to refer to a range of collective sex environments both in the UK and internationally that include strip bars, exotic dancing, privately organized sex parties, private orgies in hotel rooms, hired premises for events and meets...
3. of, done by, or characteristic of individuals acting in cooperation n 4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a. a cooperative enterprise or unit, such as a collective farm b. the members of such a cooperative 5. (Grammar) short for collective noun colˈlectively adv colˈlectivenes...
2.Of, relating to, characteristic of, or made by a number of people acting as a group:a collective decision. n. 1.An undertaking, such as a business operation, set up on the principles or system of collectivism. 2.A collective noun. ...
Advances in wearable tech: for fashion, health and life schedule 6 min read arrow_forward arrow_right_alt See all Collective insights The Collective Conversations Our experts Alan Hunt Partner & Co-Head of Digital, Commerce & Creative, London Jo Farmer Managing Partner, London Communities In-hou...
Cohen (2013) `The Collective Expression of Workplace Grievances in Britain', in G. Gall (ed.) New Forms and Expressions of Conflict at Work, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 86-107.Gall, G. and Cohen, S. 2013 `The Collective Expression of Workplace Grievances in Britain' in Gall (ed....
London Art Fair is the UK's premier Modern British and contemporary art fair, returning to Islington's Business Design Centre with its 30th edition from 17–21 January 2018. Annually launching the art world year since 1988, London Art Fair provides a sup