托福最新阅读真题及参考答案 The Collapse of the Maya The Mayan society of Central America (2000 B.C-A.D 1500), like other ancient states, was characterized by populations unprecedented both in their size and density. It was not just the number of people that lived in the Mayan city-states ...
托福最新阅读真题及参考答案The Collapse of the Maya The Mayan society of Central America (2000 B.C-A.D 1500), like other ancient states, was characterized by populations unprecedented both in their size and density. It was not just the number of people that lived in the Mayan city-states ...
The Collapse of the Maya The Mayan society of Central America (2000 B.C-A.D 1500), like other ancient states, was characterized by populations unprecedented both in their size and density. It was not just the number of people that lived in the Mayan city-states but also the relatively sm...
Claims about environmental degradation and disaster have figured prominently in discussions of the collapse of the Mayan city-states of the Central American lowlands. 拓展:TPO14-2 Maya Water Problems 3 、战争和社会动乱导致逐渐衰败 Recent studies of the Mayan collapse ...
上周的托福考试已经顺利结束,真题和答案也已经公布,接下来就和出国留学网看一看2019年6月15日托福阅读考试真题及答案。 1. The Collapse of the Maya 2. 植物传播授粉的技巧 3. 几种交通方式,canal, steamboat还有train 4. Victoria lake里的两种鱼 5. planet crater 6. 法国的国王是如何从aristorat手里夺回...
The Collapse of the Maya The Mayan society of Central America (2000 B.C-A.D 1500), like other ancient states, was characterized by populations unprecedented both in their size and density. It was not just the number of people that lived in the Mayan city-states but also the relat...
新托福阅读解析:玛雅的衰落 为了帮助大家熟悉2017年托福阅读考试内容,新东方在线托福网为大家带来新托福阅读解析:玛雅的衰落一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助(http://toefl.koolearn.com)! The Collapse of the Mayas 玛雅的衰落
1. 从参加考试同学的回忆来看,今天和昨天阅读试卷套数多达6、7套,超过之前常态的4套。不过,依旧是大量旧题重复,话题也逃不过生物和人文历史这两个超高频,像是今天考的“Bird Colonies”、“The Collapse of the Mayas”和“The Medieval Agricultural Revolution”在近两年多次考,值得引起重视。“The Origin of Co...
hence have pushed the Maya toward overexploitation of their fragile ecosystem. Deforestation and soil erosion might ultimately have destroyed the capacity of the land to support the high population levels of the Mayan cities, leading to famine, social unrest, and the collapse of the major Mayan ...
Passage 6The Collapse of Maya玛雅的崩塌 (重复2019.06.15,2019.01.05,2018.12.08,2018.06.30,2017.05.07,2017.11.25,2016.12.03,2014.10.18) 玛雅人特别多,他们发展灌溉系统和在坡上种农作物,但会让环境变得更脆弱。然后提到有建得特别好的城市和遍地的杂草,推出这个文明应该不是由于单一原因突然消失的。玛雅人...