capital of Spain- the capital and largest city situated centrally in Spain; home of an outstanding art museum Madrid,Spanish capital Espana,Kingdom of Spain,Spain- a parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; a former colonial power ...
Spanish / Español Select a language: coincidenciacasualidad coincidence [kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns]N→coincidenciaf,casualidadf what a coincidence!→¡quécoincidencia!, ¡quécasualidad! Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd...
sort-merge package sorterreceptacle sorter coincidence sorting and identific sorting key sorting networks sorting out and conso sortpos sosin block instrumen sosong sospa sot singleoperationte sota state of the art sotatsu sotdjxfkhwuhofr lnucl soter sothtrust consulting soto dame an outside sotob...
be closely bound up be coincidence be completely at sea be completely convinc be concerned about on be concerned and cons be conducted in an op be confused with be conscious of guilt be constructed and pu be content with be sa be convenient to be corowded with be dashed to the grou be...
It might surprise you to know that Spain has more vineyard land than any other country in the world. It also has the highest life expectancy in Europe. Coincidence? I think not! While this might not be completely attributable to Spanish wine, we'd like to think it at least plays a part...
In the densely-populated neighbourhoods, it was the itinerants’ cries that marked the times of day and announced the changing seasons of the year. Before the motorcar, their calls were a constant of street life in London. Before advertising, their songs were the jingles that announced of the...
An additional dilemma in Bakunin's anarchism: determinism and revolution. The rejection of statism. Atheism. In Marx's footsteps: critique of the economic reality, exploitation, class war. Bakunin and the "theory of the rotten West." 43 Chapter 5 THE CONCEPT OF REVOLUTION Revolution as ...
of the room, proceeded to scrutinize the parchment more closely. Upon turning it over, I saw my own sketch upon the reverse, just as I had made it. My first idea, now, was mere surprise at the really remarkable similarity of outline—at the singular coincidence involved in the fact that...
This coincides with what he told us; Their tastes in music coincide.coincidircoincidence (kouˈinsidəns) noun (an) accidental happening of one event at the same time as another. By a strange coincidence we were both on the same train.coincidenciacoˌinciˈdental (-ˈden-) adjective...
Spanish / Español Select a language: incoherence [ˌɪnkəʊˈhɪərəns]N[of ideas, policies] →incoherenciaf,faltafdecoherencia his attempts to explain degenerated into incoherence→en suintentopordarunaexplicacióncayóen lamásabsolutaincoherencia ...