on a regular and ongoing basis, the probability and magnitude of an undesired event occurring at their workplace. Our first priority is to understand our clients and their needs. It is this commitment that compels us to address even the smallest problem with the same care we bring to projects...
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Chen’s role is a dynamic one which requires continual adjustment to address changes in the law and market conditions including, but not limited to, anti-trust and procurement contracts, finance, human resource, litigation/arbitration as well as corporate compliance. Benny joined P&G in August ...
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Present address: Oncology Science Unit, MSD K.K., Tokyo 102-8667, Japan. 2 Supported by an Alexander Von Humboldt post-doctoral fellowship. 3 Supported by the Cell Networks Excellence Initiative of the Germany Research Foundation (DFG) and a Michael J. Fox Foundation Research Grant. 4 Supporte...
A group of House and Senate Democrats plan to wear crayons as lapel pins to the State of the Union address to show their support for increased childcare funding. The effort is spearheaded by Sen. Patty Murray, Wash., who chairs the powerful Appropriations Committee and has spent years pushing...
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