the code model could not parse an included file,which might lead to incorrect code completion and highlighting,for example 解决办法:帮助->C++->ClangCodeModel的勾去掉即可 现象是好多红圈 但是不影响编译
Warning:The code model could not parse an included file,which might lead to incorrent code completion and hightlighting,for example. wchar.h:35:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found main.cpp:1:1: note: in file included from /home/xzc/Documents/code/qt_test/main.cpp:1: main.cpp...
Warning:The code model could not parse an included file,which might lead to incorrent code completion and hightlighting,for example. wchar.h:35:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found main.cpp:1:1: note: in file included from /home/xzc/Documents/code/qt_test/main.cpp:1: main.cpp...
QT-找开工程后,最上方提示the code model could not parse an included file, which 问题情况: the code model could not parse an included file,which might lead to incorrect code completion and highlighting,for example 解决办法: 帮助-->关于插件-->C++-->ClangCodeModel的勾去掉即可 注意,去掉之后一定...
If you get an error that states that the file(s) could not be deleted, make sure that WSA is turned off If the folder does not exist: Skip this step To remove WSA installed from the Microsoft Store: 1.) Search for Windows Subsystem For Android™ Settings using the built-in Windows ...
run(command, check=True, timeout=60) except FileNotFoundError as exc: print( f"Command {command} failed because the process " f"could not be found.\n{exc}" ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: print( f"Command {command} failed because the process " f"did not return a ...
(file_dir, '/') url_tuple = urlparse(url) if not re.match(r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+", url_tuple.hostname): ip_address = get_addr_by_hostname(url_tuple.hostname) if url_tuple.port is None: url = f'{url_tuple.scheme}://{ip_address}:{HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT}{url_tuple.path}...
Error message: "The service '<service name>' is required, but could not be located. There may be a problem with your Visual Studio installation." A service required by Visual Studio is unavailable. If you were trying to load a project that does not support t...
In such a model, property names might correspond to the option name and the property type would correspond to the data type into which to convert an argument. In addition, the model might leverage attributes to define aliases, for example. Alternatively, you could write a model th...
the code model could not parse an included file,which might lead to incorrect code completion and highlighting,for example 解决办法: 帮助-->关于插件-->C++-->ClangCodeModel的勾去掉即可 注意,去掉之后一定要重启Qt Creator 问题原因: CreateMenu.h中定义如下: ...