So I'm in this motel on my way back from visiting my grandparents and I hear some kind of scraping noise coming from the room next door. After about 20 minutes of the sound I couldn't keep ignoring it so I got dressed, packed my self-defense EDC (every-day carry if you didn't k...
I’ve seen a meme on Facebook this morning, posted by several friends, calling on us to love one another. But as sweet as it seems, it just calls on us to agree to disagree, and that will never contribute a thing to the justice oppressed people are seeking. “We’re one race—th...
I am female and brown and I am so tired of this useless meme spread by armchair intellectuals who don’t need to worry about people mansplaining to them about reproductive rights and everything else under the sun. MF Mar 26, 2020 at 2:56 pm So your position...
Moreover, the clown also belongs to the freaks and deformed protagonists who inhabit the horror circus of fear. It is in the circus that children first encounter clowns, who later return as the nightmares of adult memory, both something repressed and something half-forgotten, creatures who exist...
The biggie left on the balance sheet are the GoC bonds, and as they mature, they’re going to roll off, which is what the BoC announced today. But how low will they go? “The longer-run level” of its bond holdings “is yet to be...
Twitter: @findurmeme / ViaTwitter: @findurmeme But in November,Lindsay was caught on camera calling Paris the c-word.When asked to clarify her comments, she inadvertently spawned ahilarious memefeaturing her immediate retraction: "I never said that. I love Paris. Paris is my friend." A we...