Mikokoro, Center of the Sea A beautiful card, and a great asset to the deck. So much so that I took a tip from the Pros in Hawaii and put two in my final decklist. You’re never disappointed in drawing one (unless you have the other in play), and it keeps Netsuke smacking the ...
(the island’s supurrvising Purrk Ranger catgirl and amphibious orienteering coach wearing theClouded Leopurrdcutout micro bikini): G’day, nyan! (paw note:“Nyan” is the Japanese word for “meow”, which some but not all catgirls vocalize, purrticularly in the NC OBX Catspeak dialect,...
and spends most of his free time training. Kai lives by a flexible but absolute code of honor, and is a good person, although his vision is somewhat clouded by his upbringing. Despite this, Kai is also prideful