Google Share on Facebook industrious Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia in·dus·tri·ous (ĭn-dŭs′trē-əs) adj. 1.Energetic in application to work or study. See Synonyms atdiligent. 2.ObsoleteSkillful; clever. in·dus′tri·ous·lyadv. ...
The Band Wagon: Directed by Vincente Minnelli. With Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Oscar Levant, Nanette Fabray. An aging movie star uncertain of his future teams up with a top ballerina to headline a new Broadway musical, but the pretentiously artistic goa
shop floor - workplace consisting of the part of a factory housing the machines; "the productive work is done on the shop floor" studio - workplace for the teaching or practice of an art; "she ran a dance studio"; "the music department provided studios for their students"; "you don'...
The long-awaited finale of the Ice Scream saga is here! Help the group of friends escape once and for all from Rod's factory and put an end to this frosty nigh…
the clear and present the clever women who the client list the climate crisis ca the climatic conditio the clinical use of a the clock synchroniza the clockwork vampire the closed monster the closing ceremony the closing of americ the closingof the ame the clothing processi the clouds go nev...
5/But here’s the really clever bit: They built an “expert system.” Instead of one massive AI trying to know everything (like having one person be a doctor, lawyer, AND engineer), they have specialized experts that only wake up when needed. ...
the cleveland show the clever rabbit - the clinical research the clock has several the closure method the clouds come out the club remix the coal miners struc the coastal area the code for a variet the cognitive theory the coil the cold winter hopes the coldest city the collapse of the w ...
“They are very clever, very funny, very dirty, abominably immoral, and I do not think I can read any more of them; for though I confess to having laughed till my sides ached over some parts of what I read, I was, upon reflection and upon the whole, disgusted and displeased.” ...
“It’s a clever inversion of the usual teen sex comedy dynamic, because nobody really does anything seriously wrong and for the most part, the kids are alright. We’ve come a long way since the era of John Hughes: The sexual politics of ‘Blockers’ have been mapped out so carefully...
Because if it can work with a single digit set of chips then the controller can't employ as many clever strategies (to help reliability, performance and quality of performance) as another design which has been designed with a floor level of tens or hundreds of chips. It was a simple idea...