The Cleaner: Mizzi Meyer के द्वारा बनाया गया. Greg Davies, Zita Sattar, Barry Castagnola, Jane Lewis के साथ. Paul 'Wicky' Wickstead, a state-certified cleaning technician, is responsible for
The Cleaner: Créé par Mizzi Meyer. Avec Greg Davies, Zita Sattar, Barry Castagnola, Jane Lewis. Paul 'Wicky' Wickstead, technicien de nettoyage diplômé d'état, est responsable de l'élimination de tout signe de mort sur les scènes de crime.
You the cleaner? 不,我是比尔克♥林♥顿♥ No, I'm Bill Clinton. 好吧,有人叫我来等清洁工 Alright. I've been told to wait for The Cleaner. 我就是清洁工 I am The Cleaner. 发生丑闻之后,我需要找点事来做 I needed a hobby after the scandal. 我要去哪里? Where do ...
太好了,我得清理那栋阴森的豪♥宅♥ Oh good, I'm cleaning the creepy mansion. 生人勿近 哈罗? Hello? 有人在吗? Anyone there? 哈罗? Hello? 我只是来打扫的 It's just the cleaner. 哈罗? Hello? 这个里面有四种不同的化学品 This has got four different chemicals in it. 喷一下...
清洁工 Cleaner man. 是的,地平说支持者,打勾 Yep, flat earther, tick. 我是犯罪现场清洁师 Im a crime scene cleaner. 这里没人需要中弹 No-one here needed to get shot. 朋友,我得继续了 Mate, I need to get on. 我想我们已经很清楚彼此没有共同立场 I think weve established a complete lack ...
The Cleaner《犯罪现场清理员(2021)》第二季第六集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 《政客》第二季第五集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 重新规划路线 Re-routing. 请在情况允许下回转 Turnaroundwherepossible. 咦? Eh? 重新规划路线 Re-routing. 哦,好吧…那就重新规划路线吧 ...
你好吗Alright你是清洁工吗You the cleaner不,我是比尔克林顿No, Im Bill Clinton.好吧,有人叫我来等清洁工Alright. Ive been told to wait for The Cleaner.我
Ah,soyou'rethecleaner. 不我是犯罪现场清理员 No.Iamthecrimescenecleaner. 差别很大巨大 Bigdifference.Huge. 别人惊恐死去的地方就是我工作的起点 Myworkstartswhereotherspassinhorror. 腻味的陈词滥调这话你肯定说了很多次 Atiredcliche,thatI'msureyou'veusedathousandtimes. ...
The Cleaner《犯罪现场清理员(2021)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,警hearts;察hearts; 警hearts;察hearts; 你要做好心理准备 You should prepare yourself. 在哪 Where is it? 我跟他说过... I told him what to expect... 带路 Just show me. 该死的 露丝 Blood
我是犯罪现场清洁师 Im a crime scene cleaner 你们的单行道系统实在太荒谬了 and youre one way system is bloody ridiculous. 我很难相信一个价值三百万英镑的,行人区重新规划系统 I hardly think a three million pound pedestrianisation re-routing system 会被人形容为荒谬 can be described as ridiculous....