修正案还建立了一个全国经营许可计划,并加强了执法,以帮助确保更好地遵守该法案。 Progress Cleaning the Air Actions to implement the Clean Air Act have achieved dramatic reductions in air pollution, preventing hundreds of thousands of cases of serious health effects each year. Accomplishments Under the ...
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 establish new criminal and civil liability provisions that can potentially impose substantial fines and penalties. This article reviews the Act''s new enforcement and liability provisions. The authors recommend that because of the new enforcement tools available ...
Future refining impacts of the clean air act amendments of 1990ISOTOPE EFFECTSVAPOR PRESSUREDEUTERATIONPYRROLEPHASE EQUILIBRIAAn assessment of the future refining impacts of the U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 has been performed with the Navy Mobility Fuels Forecasting System. In 1992, the ...
根据清洁空气法(the Clean Air Act)的企业的排放物亦是如此。通常,行政机关甚至并不对企业的自我报告进行初步的核查。 www.showxiu.com|基于34个网页 2. 空气洁净法令 如美国1990年颁布空气洁净法令(The Clean Air Act),对排放破坏臭氧层的有害物质和气体的厂商课以重罚。又如,1997年许多国 … ...
Clean Air Act(ion) It creeps in silently and is everywhere at once. It is totally invisible to the naked eye, but often carries potentially dangerous materials. It can cause sickness and discomfort without ever being detected. What on earth could it be?
The U.S. Clean Air Act turns 50 on December 31. America's dramatically cleaner skies are evidence of what legislation and innovation can do.
Journal of the Air & Waste Management AssociationLee, B. Highlights of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990; J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 1991, 41 (1), 16-31.Lee, B. "Highlights of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, * I.Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 41(1): 16 (1991)....
The 30th anniversary of the Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990 is a noteworthy milestone to examine retrospectively the benefits and effectiveness of regulatory programs implemented to reduce emissions of multiple pollutants from coal-fired power plants and other stationary and mobile sources in th...
Implementation Strategy for the Clean Air ACT Amendment of 1990, Update March 1999 作者:U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 页数:24 ISBN:9781288978359 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单
The Clean Air Act of 1990 is coming to town. Congress, anticipating the paperwork blizzard from permits, allows states to assess permit fees of at least $25 per ton of pollutant emitted, plus $15 per ton in nonattainment areas, to help fund the program. Many states will charge more in ...