ContingencyorSituationalApproach(toManagement):(管理学)权变(研究)方法:Ananalysisofmanagementthatemphasizesthefactthatwhatmanagersdoinpracticedependsonuponagivensetofcircumstancesorthe"situation”andthatthereisnosingle"bestway"tomanage.Text Themoderneraofmanagementbeganearlyinthe20thcenturywhenclassicaltheorists,...
In management theory and its various sub-disciplines, such as strategic management and organization theory, a change in the paradigm has been in progress for some time, away from the classical Taylorist approach to management control ("management control" in the sense of steering the company; ...
apart,ordescriberecognizably;adistinguishingmarkortrait.特性•alliance:n.Theactofbecomingalliedortheconditionofbeingallied:结盟•demographic:n.Oforrelatingtodemography.人口统计•complement:v.Toserveasacomplementto:补足 BusinessSchoolofNnankaiUniversity KeyTermsandConcepts ClassicalApproach(toManagement)also...
The classical administrative school of management arose from the need to make business management a professional career. Discover how different theorists contributed to developing the classical administrative school of management, what compelled them to do so, and how the new version differed from ot...
cost management in su cost of an export com cost of food cost of living adjust cost of main cost of overhaul part cost of real estate cost of staff cost one billion doll cost per unit of quan cost plus pricing cost priceprime costf cost roll-up cost structure parity cost summary section...
Unit1TheEvolutionofManagement asaFieldofStudy 3 Glossary •evolution[.i:və'lu:ʃən]•n.进化、发展、演变•adj.evolutional,evolutionary发展的、进化的 •n.evolutionism进化论 •e.g.CharlesDarwindiscovered evolutionindependently.•查尔斯·达尔文独立地发现了进化论。4 Glossary •generalize['...
Instead, he or she allows the situation to dictate managerial choices. The contingency approach may combine elements from the three major traditional schools of management thought. These are the classical, behavioral, and management science schools of management. The contingency approach to management ...
Since SGML attributes correspond to very little of classical LaTeX9, attribute options are seldom used10 in the didactic production system. One such use is for the GELLMU equivalent of latex's equation* and eqnarray* environments, which is marked up this way: \begin{equation}[:nonum="true...
According to classical financial theory, compared with debt financing, there is no pressure to repay principal and interest, and the financial risk of equity financing is low. Equity financing is suitable for enterprises to carry out a strategic investment with strong specificity, and provides ...