Worksheet PrintWorksheet 1. What were some ways children served on the battlefield during the Civil War? They served as generals, senior military officers, and captains. They served as soldiers and musicians and helped carry supplies to the front lines. ...
See what you know about the blockade and blockade runners during the Civil War. Use this worksheet and quiz to study before, during or after you...
Education World looks at the war that divided the nation and ultimately abolished slavery.Civil War Lesson Plans and Activities This week, Education World presents more than a dozen lessons for teaching about the Civil War. Teachers can use these lessons to teach what caused the war, what it ...
Edit This Worksheet Download This Sample Battle Of Somme Worksheets Download includes the following worksheets: Frequently Asked Questions What was unique about the Battle of the Somme? How many men were killed in the Battle of the Somme? What was the impact of the Somme? One of the largest ...
See the fact file below for more information about Chief Joseph, or you can download our 31-page Chief Joseph worksheet pack to utilize within the classroom or home environment. Key Facts & Information EARLY LIFE Chief Joseph’s indigenous name is Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt, which means Thund...
Homework checking Answers to the exercise on the worksheet: (1) One evening,(2) when,(3) First,(4) and then,(5) Meanwhile,(6) In the end,Writing: a Story,Unit 2 Communication Workshop,Objectives,In this lesson, you will be able to: 1. Understand what a good story is. 2. ...
Speech Clouds Based Printable U.S. Presidents WorksheetCopy Template Copy Template Picture Frames Themed U.S. Presidents Worksheet DesignCopy Template Copy Template Make Your Own If you're assigning this to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, ju...
Learn the vocabulary about your family with these fun, colorful Spanish worksheet sets! Mi Familia Students will learn the words for family members, how to introduce someone by name, vocabulary to describe your family members (artistic, shy, talented, funny, neat, studious and more), and greeti...
A 1-2 lesson pack for the Causes of the Civil War in England and Wales. Includes: A Kingdom Divided worksheet and differentiated version + glossary Quick on the Draw activity (can be adapted) with video instructions Starter PowerPoint with images and objectives Venn Diagram activity (use "Caus...
theCivilWar. ©LearningA–Z1 W LEVEL LessonPlan()TheBuffaloSoldiers • CreateaKWLSchartontheboardandhandouttheKWLS/askandanswerquestionsworksheet. RevieworexplainthattheKstandsforknowledgeweknow,theWstandsforinformationwe wanttoknow,theLstandsforknowledgewelearned,andtheSstandsforwhatwestillwant ...