In a living city, under the right rules of the game, both population and per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—the value of all final goods and services produced in a region in one year—tend to grow. But for Jacobs, this kind of growth alone does not constitute economic development....
We TILT DOWN a stack of books sitting on the floor - Tolstoy, Stegner, Thoreau, Jack London, and Pasternak. Beside them, a camper’s backpack. Chris sits in introspection at his desk by candlelight. The room is spare, supporting his monkish lifestyle. But on the desk before him, he ...
The paper analyzes the conditions and the features of the "quality of life" notion. The freedom of choice between death and life is related to the "quality of life" notion v/s the "survival". That opposition is based on the economic and spiritual conditions that the society builds ...
dating columnist reveals how sex and the city ruined her life ." in the story, allison says that sex and the city served as a road map to the life she coveted: "i wanted to be like carrie and her friends: i wanted to be glamorous and beautiful and dress well and have lots of ...
There is a city in southwest China that retains a fascinating charm throughout its thousands of years of history, and the city is Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan Province. 魅力成都,先在宜居。在这里,麻辣火锅沸腾着人间烟火;熊猫向世界直播着可爱;天边...
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s ...
Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第四季第十四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,?欲望城市 (性hearts;爱hearts;专家凯莉布雷萧 并且勇于发问) “爱你口难开” 住在纽约的好处之一是 One of the best things about New York is that on any given night 晚上有很多事情可做
Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第四季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,欲望城市 (性hearts;爰hearts;专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问) ““孕”事风波” 在人生中 In life, 有时我们会发现自己站在了十字路口 sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroads. 在纽约 In
Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第三季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,欲望城市 (性hearts;爰hearts;专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问) “男男女 hearts;女 hearts;n 据说纽约人是以冷漠出名的 Its been said that New Yorkers are the most jaded people in the world.
If you have a good heart and always do the right thing, what is considered ugly becomes beautiful.” Later on, when I moved to the city, there were educated people who laughed at me behind my back, some even to my face; but when I recalled what Mother had said, I just calmly offer...