This volume of the "Encyclopedia of the Human Body" discusses the parts of the circulatory system and how they work together to deliver nourishment, electrolytes, hormones, vitamins, antibodies, heat, and oxygen and remove waste materials and carbon dioxide. Blood pressure, blood type, and fetal...
循环系统 The Circulatory System是【油管播放百万】(合集)解剖和生理基础 手动打开中英字幕/医学英语基础 Anatomy and Physiology的第5集视频,该合集共计14集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
The system won't work without a supply of air 没有空气供应,这个系统就不能工作 The Circulatory System 2 As you can see, everything depends on the flow of blood to and from the heart. 正如你所看到的,一切都取决于血液进出心脏的流量。 So how does the heart do this? 心脏是怎么做到的呢?
第7章 循环系统The circulatory system(PPT) 下载积分: 1100 内容提示: 第7章 循环系统The circulatory system配合CAI课件材料 文档格式:PPT | 页数:35 | 浏览次数:1 | 上传日期:2020-06-14 17:26:58 | 文档星级: 第7章 循环系统The circulatory system配合CAI课件材料 阅读...
Blood returns to the heart through a system ofveinsand enters theupper right chamber, the rightatrium. 血管 Now that we understand a little about the circulatory system, we can ask what it needs to operate. Of course, it can't operate without energy. ...
18-4The Circulatory System The circulatory system is the part of the body that controls the flow of blood. It has many parts. The most important is the heart. However, there are also arteries and veins that send blood throughout the body.The heart has four chambers. They are the left ...
18-4The Circulatory System The circulatory system is the part of the body that controls the flow of blood. It has many parts. The most important is the heart. However, there are also arteries and veins that send blood throughout the body.The heart has four chambers. They are the left ...
Heart The heart is a muscular organ that contracts rhythmically, pumping the blood through the circulatory system The right and left ventricles pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body respectively The right and left atria receive blood from the body and the pulmonary veins respectively....
循环系统第二部分血管 18-The Circulatory System Part 2 Blood Vessels是【64集全集】解剖学-生理学-药理学-免疫学全套教程-全程中英cc字幕-医学全家桶的第17集视频,该合集共计64集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Introduction to the Circulatory System When cells die, tissues begin to die, and the organs stop working properly. This may cause the entire system to stop functioning Kinds of blood vessels Arteries: carry blood from the lower chambers of the heart to all parts of the body Arteries carry oxy...