One of the main basic models taught in economics is the circular-flow model, which describes the flow of money and products throughout the economy in a very simplified way. 经济学课程中,教授的最基本的几个模型之一,便是循环流动模型,它用一种非常简化的方式描述了金钱和商品在整个经济体系中的流动...
The Circular Flow ModelRESOURCE MARKETBergs, J. (2012). The Circular-Flow Model. About Education. Acedido a 2 de Abril de 2015, em:
In a mixed economy its not always this simple, something is missing. Product Markets goods & services… ….goods & services ….consumption spending…. In a mixed economy its not always this simple, something is missing. The Government ….salaries, wages, rent, dividends….. Factor Markets la...
1.循环流向图「The Circular-Flow Diagram」 2.生产可能性边界「The Production Possibilities Frontier」(PPT) 我们今天重点讨论第一个循环流向图「The Circular-Flow Diagram」,他是一个直观地说明一个经济体内家庭和企业之间的经济交易行为的简单形式。 循环流向图「The Circular-Flow Diagram」: 首先我们假设只有两...
第一个模型:循环六。The circular flow 第二个模型:生产能力取线。Production possibility frontier, shows one trade-off that society faces. The cost of something is what you give up to get it. That is...
经济学模型是经济学家用来简化复杂经济现象的重要工具,其中两种基础模型尤为重要,特别是循环流向图(The Circular-Flow Diagram)和生产可能性边界(The Production Possibilities Frontier),本文将聚焦于前者。循环流向图以直观的方式描绘了经济体内家庭和企业之间的交易动态。循环流向图假设经济体由家庭和...
Why the Circular Flow Model? 1. To show how the different sectors of the economy interact with one another. 2. To measure the level of economic activity. --Can’t measure physical flows. --Can measure money flows. --Can measure expenditures or income. GDP & Data GDP = Income = C +...
The following diagram presents a circular-flow model of a simple economy. The outer set of arrows (shown in green) shows the flow of dollars, and the inner set of arrows (shown in red) shows the corresponding flow of inputs and outputs. ...
定义:程循环图是经济学上用来直观的表示资金与市场资源走向的模型。整个流程循环图是平衡的。整个流程循环图的两大主体是企业 (Firms) 和家庭(Household)。两大市场是生产要素市场 (Markets for factors of produ…
The circular-flow diagram is a A. visual model of how the economy is organized. B. visual model of the relationships among money, prices, and businesses. C. model that shows the effects of government on the economy. D. mathematical model of how the economy works. ...