The Circle: Directed by James Ponsoldt. With Emma Watson, Ellar Coltrane, Glenne Headly, Bill Paxton. A woman lands a dream job at a powerful tech company called the Circle, only to uncover an agenda that will affect the lives of all of humanity.
THE CIRCLE (2017) THE CIRCLE (2017), based on the bestselling novel by Dave Eggers, is a delightful surprise for low expectations. The film received a lot of negative reviews but I enjoyed its execution, and best of all, its ideas made me think. Mae (the lovely Emma Watson, showing o...
Movie and TV Reviews The Circle Review: A Sledgehammer Satire of Social Media Emma Watson and Tom Hanks fall flat in The Circle, a dull exercise in the evils of Big Brother. By Julian Roman Apr 27, 2017 Box Office Can The Circle Stop Fate of the Furious at the Box Office? Th...
The Circle (2017) (Podcast Episode 2017) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Mixed Reviews Negative Reviews 90 Aug 3, 2015 The Magic Circle is an unfinished game in which you play a game about a game that is unfinished; a satirical opinion on the games industry and community. The voice acting is spot on, the world is minimalistic but rich and the unique...
Chinese drama about independent women enjoys rave reviews What are the most popular TV dramas in China today? My First Half of Life appears to be on the list. China Breakthroughs: BeiDou revs up navigation for motorcycles and more Chinese cities have been plagued with huge traffic jams for man...
“The Cinema of Béla Tarr: The Circle Closes”, András Kovács argues that Tarr uses “circular narrative structure and extreme narrative slowness” to express the “human situation represented as a trap from which there is no escape” (Kovács, 2013, 5) However, this take neglects to ...
we chose to engage with the social scientific literature on the CE with a special focus on waste in a systematic manner. As a result, this article reviews, to the best of our knowledge, all existing literature on the CE and waste, significantly enriched and contextualised by literature on th...
The film weaves together rare concert footage, never-before-see archival material, inner-circle home video and photographs and in-depth interviews with the artists who put Stones Throw Records on the map. Actors: Peanut Butter Wolf, Talib Kweli, A-Trak Released: 2013 Directed by: Jeff Broadway...
User reviews23 Review Featured review7/10 70's Jet Set trash film "The Bitch" is one of countless exploitation films dealing with the sex lives of the "jet set" crowd, (today they are known as the '1 percenters.) This film offers a tawdry look into a very decadent lifestyle, led ...