If literature had ceased to have any obvious function - if the writer was no longer a traditional figure in the pay of the court, the church or an aristocratic patron - then it was possible to turn this fact to literature's advantage. The whole point of 'creative' writing was that it ...
Simon Peter is long-past questioning his dependence on the Triune God. He understood that he was doing nothing by his own strength, but the power of the Holy Spirit coursing through him. Peter is not the leap before you look, foot in his mouth, disciple who’s full of himself. But he...
a change. Paul is claiming these believers were in the process of being removed from the grace of Christ. But note that this isn’t due to persecution or to apathy, but by some person in the church who sought to trouble them (vs 7). It is by the teaching of ...
In my church, the Venite, the Collect, and the Order for Holy Communion are each repeated weekly not so that they become routine words and rote movements, but because each one is skeletal –giving form to our souls in the same way my spine and pelvis and femur give form and shape to ...
Subsequently, they should have a weigh-in at the next church potluck to see if anyone needs to stand before the church and address the sin of their gluttony and the abuse of God’s temple, their bodies. As Jesus said to the fundamentalist religious types of His day, “he who is ...
I stumbled on an insight that blew me away. “The original 3rd line of the 3rd stanza said “I climb the rainbow through the rain”. It was a prosy hymnal committee of the Church of Scotland that insisted it be changed to “I trace the rainbow through the rain.” The members of the...
As a late teen, Isaac complained often to his father about the tiresome, chanted hymns of the church. How was a person supposed to sing them withjoyas the Bible-psalms often urged, when the music droned in a minor key? From a 1600’s hymnal ...
was then--the clock in the church-tower was just striking five--that Kay said,"Oh! I feel such a sharp pain in my heart; and now something has got into myeye!" The little girl put her arms around his neck. He winked his eyes; now therewas nothing to be seen. "I think it is...
Wherein is fix’d the love of Belzebub: To him I’ll build an altar and a church, And offer lukewarm blood of new-born babes. Enter GOOD ANGEL and EVIL ANGEL. GOOD ANGEL. Sweet Faustus, leave that execrable art. FAUSTUS. Contrition, prayer, repentance–what of them? GOOD ANGEL. O,...
there are no references to Nazareth in the Hebrew Bible. Nowhere. This was later fabricated by early Church Fathers drawing a circle, as it were, around the arrow. What modern Christian apologists will offer is to work with crude Englishretranslationsof earlierGreek mistranslationswhile avoiding th...