In "Jesus the Bridegroom," Brant Pitre once again taps into the wells of Jewish Scripture and tradition, and unlocks the secrets of what is arguably the most well-known symbol of the Christian faith: the cross of Christ. In this thrilling exploration, Pitre shows how the suffering and death...
When speaking of the Kingdom, the Church, and the relationship between the two, it is first necessary to define both. Throughout Scripture, both are mentioned dozens of times as being the possession of God. The Greek word used in the New Testament for the church,ecclesia(ἐκκλησ...
Church is Christs Body of Believers NOT a building Posted on September 7, 2024 by ADMIN The Resurrected Body of Christ according to Scripture, is “wherever two or more are gathered together in My Name, there am I in their midst”. This the invitation from Christ. The concept of a “...
Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land is an illustrated tour of Israel that consists of two parts. The first two/thirds of the book covers the life of Jesus as He lived and moved throughout the land. The last one third is a tour of the sites normally seen as pilgrims travel in Israel....
Jesus Christ or the predestined or the elect. Depending on the theology, you might get different flavors of this basic theology, but it’s the idea that the true church is an invisible church. Not all Protestants believe this, but enough do that. I wanted to address it beginning by ...
is true.” The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain...
the level is corrupt the library collectio the library comes to the lid of the spas b the lie the life and thought the life and times of the life of jesus res the life of jesus the the life of mammals the life of perfectio the life of samuel jo the life of siu ming- the life ...
it is eminently true to say that the Heart of Jesus wasopenedto bring us into life. Jesus once said, “Narrow is the gate… that leadeth to life” (Mt 7,14); but if we understand this gate to be the wound in His Heart, we can say that no gate could open to us with greater ...
bound to seek the good of all and every one, as much as in them lies; thirdly, to hope and judge well of all, even as it is meet for them,—they may make a proffer of Jesus Christ, with life and salvation in him, notwithstanding that the Lord has given his Son only to his ele...
"To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places, might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God." -- Ephesians 3:10 Subject: The wisdom appearing in the way of salvation by Jesus Christ is far above the wisdom of the angels....