Today’s Meditation:Lord Jesus is the Advocate, and the propitiation. He is the Great Priest, and the sacrifice. His sacrifice is enough to salvage our relationship with God without any shortage. However, this will not take effect if we are not willing to believe and accept. We not only ...
At the core of his being, he is love itself, and that love overflows to YOU. If you are in Christ, you are so deeply loved by God that you can’t even comprehend it. In fact, God loves you so much that he has literallychosento abide in you. You are atemple of the Holy Spiri...
Keri Eichbergeris a Jesus-loving Kentucky girl. She is married to her best friend, Mike, and has a full house of five kids. After years of writing for an online audience, Keri became ordained through Southeast Christian Church, giving her life to full-time ministry. She is the author of...
Paradise Lost tells the story of the fall of man,a story Milton borrows from the Holy Bible.However,the fall of man is reinterpreted in the long poem:human beings fall from a state of perfection into a state of human reality.During the process of falling,it seems that the man also gains...
The Bible Verse and Prayer app brings the Holy Bible directly to you to celebrate God’s Word. Study, pray and read the Word of God which includes many different versions of the bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament - from Genesis to the Revelations. Choose different translations...
History has tended to reflect that agenerationgets the leadership of its own making. Yet, you’d find it difficult to find even 10% of our nation’schurchleaders laboring toinfluence their congregationswith Biblical insights toinformtheir decisions onhow to votein local and national elections. ...
(The Third Heaven and the Holy City) 2019 - 10 - 06 PM 伊莉婭娜的加冕禮 (The Coronation of Ileana) 2019 - 09 - 28 PM 近來揭示不為人所提的聖經預言內的一部分 (A Missing Piece of Bible Prophecy Illuminated for us Today) 2019 - 09 - 22 PM 簡單的教會 – 第一講 (Simple Church #1)...
I am the Church,2024/04/15 Different Versions It would be nice to be able to change the version, to the NIV (new international version), and to easily change back-and-forth between them—which is not an option. Other than that, I love it. ...
As a late teen, Isaac complained often to his father about the tiresome, chanted hymns of the church. How was a person supposed to sing them withjoyas the Bible-psalms often urged, when the music droned in a minor key? From a 1600’s hymnal ...
When I finish journaling or verse-mapping through a book of the Bible (for example), I file these pages so, if needed, I can find them again. However! Purging has been necessary now and then. Had I kept every study throughout the decades of my life, I’d probably need two or three...