Scripture describes a biblical marriage as a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ (the groom) and his never-ending love for the Church (the bride).
Unfortunately, he adds, “the dominant influence in our culture is business, where once it was the church, and those morals and that morality had a big influence on American families. . . . If we’re talking about the saving of the planet or that last war as the result of nuclear, or...
the church needed to settle its internal strife before going to war, but Catherine argued that the best way to solve the problems at home is to declare war on the enemy. That Catherine, according to one historian, "dominated Pope Gregory and to a lesser extent Urban VI" is an unwarranted...
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Proust's Questionnaire is by no means the only set of questions you can use. Here are other popular sources of characterization questionnaires: James Lipton's Questionnaire Bernard Pivot Questionnaire If you love some of Proust's questions but also want to find some fresh questions to add to yo...
What is your filter? Are you looking through the lens of Scripture or through the world’s lens? Are you seeing through the sovereignty of God or through a self-focused lens? Today’s Readings: Joshua 15 & 16 Psalm 45.1-5 Proverbs 14.4-5 ...
“Relationship Status: It’s Complicated.” Media-Based Forms of Participation in Religious Practices“Searching for a Better Life with My Community”: Migratory Trends in Religious-Based Social Net-Works‘Dramatic Theology’ as a Process of Discernment for Our Time‘On the Lapsed’: Comparative ...
and women who believe that they have a call to serve; the nurture and care of these men and women, their education, formation and eventual ordination and assignment are particularly important if the Church is to fulfill its mandate of bearing witness of Christ in the world and caring for ...
It’s too important. Dear Christmas Eve preacher, no pressure, but it’s game time! The Super Bowl is tomorrow. Get plenty of sleep. Be ready. Be excited. Preach well and let Jesus do the rest. Go tell it on the mountain (or from the pulpit): Jesus Christ is born and that Good...