'The Chrysanthemums' 是美国20世纪著名作家约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck)创作的一篇短篇小说,具有深刻的社会洞察力和人性描绘。 作者与创作背景 约翰·斯坦贝克生于1902年,逝于1968年,是美国文学史上的重要现实主义小说家。他的作品以其深刻的社会洞察力和对人性的细腻描绘而著称。《The...
The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers. One day, she suddenly feels a desire to communicate with the outside world. What happens to her? Please read the following story. The high grey-flannel...
The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers. One day, she suddenly feels a desire to communicate with the outside world. What happens to her? Please read the following story. The high grey-flannel...
1寻找英文原文《The Chrysanthemums 》的作者John Steinbeck曾说:“不经意地读完故事后会体会到某种很深刻的东西,但都说不出是什么东西,怎样深刻.”这句话的原文是什么? 2 寻找英文原文 《The Chrysanthemums 》的作者John Steinbeck曾说:“不经意地读完故事后会体会到某种很深刻的东西,但都说不出是什么东西,怎样...
《菊花》(The Chrysanthemums)是斯坦贝克最受欢迎和被收录最多的短篇作品,其中讲述了农妇伊丽莎在短短半天时间内跌宕起伏的心路历程。囿于家务、缺乏丈夫欣赏的伊丽莎渴望自我价值得到认可,因此寄情于菊花种植。补锅匠的来访在她原本就不平静的心中激起波澜。她误将补锅匠为讨活而假意欣赏菊花的举动视为对她的理解和欣赏...
The Chrysanthemums The Chrysanthemums 菊花 (by John Steinbeck 约翰•斯坦贝克) 摘自:英语泛读教程4 Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers. One day, she suddenly feels a desire to communicate with the outside world. What happens to...
完整版本Thechrysanthemums原文.docxThe Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers. One day, she suddenly feels a desire to communicate with the outside world. What happens to her? Please read the ...
The chrysanthemums 原文 The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers. One day, she suddenly feels a desire to communicate with the outside world. What happens to her? Please read the following story....
1、10203040The Chrysanthemumsby John SteinbeckElisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers. One day, she suddenly feels a desire to communicate with the outside world. What happens to her? Please read the following story.The high grey-...
中英双语:The Chrysanthemums 菊花--约翰 斯坦贝克 The Chrysanthemums 菊花 (by John Steinbeck 约翰•斯坦贝克) 摘自:英语泛读教程4 Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers. One day, she suddenly feels a desire to communicate with the ...