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Explore thousands of faculty, administrative, and executive positions on our job board for higher education professionals. While you're there, create a job alert and upload your resume.
A New Team of Campus Administrators Tries to Pacify Protests Newly Updated Tracking Higher Ed’s Dismantling of DEI Top Jobsfrom The Chronicle Chair, Department of Social Work, Full Professor University of Vermont College of Education and Social Services Presi...
In-depth and breaking news, opinion, advice, and jobs for professors, deans, and others in higher education from The Chronicle of Higher Education.
The Chronicle of Higher Education [provides] unprecedented access into the world of higher education, fueling the entrepreneurial spirit that powers institutions to create incredible impact on the world. (The University of Central Florida) Your Media Reach ...
期刊:《THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION》慈善家洛克菲勒对哈佛的捐款仅仅是锦上添花 哈佛大学洛克菲勒慈善家捐款THE期刊OF美国大学近日,慈善家洛克菲勒(David Rockefeller)向哈佛大学捐款l亿美元,创下美国大学校友捐赠的最高纪录.校方称,这笔巨款将用于扩展哈佛学生海外游学计划以及艺术教育.知名政策分析员Dan Greenberg...
In-depth and breaking news, opinion, advice, and jobs for professors, deans, and others in higher education from The Chronicle of Higher Education.
這份 125 頁的調查報告名為「暴力教育-美國公立學校體罰孩童」 (A Violent Education: Corporal Punishment of Children in U.S. Public Schools)。體罰是否有效,以及 其在教室及家庭所扮演的腳色,成為辯論的焦點。 在美國,有 21 個州是允許體罰的。德州及密西西比州的 3 歲學童,如果嚼口香糖,則會被處以輕微...