A high-value woman has a combination of amazing qualities that enable her to live a life where she gets the respect and admiration she deserves from men and from everyone else in her life.She is confident in standing by her standards and she is willing to walk away when a man doesn’t ...
CALLED Magazine – the #1 Choice for Christian Women. Helping Christian women serve better, lead better, and live better! Every Christian woman is CALLED.
we shall examine in some detail John’s image of the woman as a “great whore who is seated on many waters” (v. 1; the Greekpornēsis translated “whore” in the NRSV and “prostitute” in the NIV). Feminists are rightly wary of women being called prostitutes. We know that sex sla...
The Christian teaching on marriage as a sign of the New Covenant mandates personal freedom. The radical insight of the Christian faith in the Fathers’ time was that the woman’s free consent was as necessary to the validity of the marriage bond as was her husband’s. The bride’s consent...
Christianity Today provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture on the official site of Christianity Today magazine.
Nonetheless, Bale is completely acceptable as Demetrius, an anxious young man engaged to one woman (Calista Flockhart) but in love with another (Anna Friel). Magic potions get involved — not to mention a surfeit of whimsy — but the actor does his best to ground the cutesiness in ...
Sr. Mary Madeleva Wolff. During her tenure, Sr. Madeleva, whose circle of close friends included T.S. Eliot, Frank Sheed, and C.S. Lewis, established a Christian culture curriculum under the direction of Bruno Schlesinger, a convert from Judaism and a disciple of historian Christopher Dawson...
“They will tell you that some roles in life aren’t for you, simply because you’re a woman . . .They will tell you this is so because God—the same God we read about at bedtime—made it so. . . .They are wrong.” The article was written by Ben Irwin and posted at Christian...
Undivided: A Muslim Daughter, Her Christian Mother, Their Path To Peace by Patricia Raybon and Alana Raybon (Thomas Nelson, Apr 28, 2015) My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me: A Black Woman Discovers Her Family’s Nazi Past by Jennifer Teege and Nikola Sellmair (The Experiment, Apr 15, 2015...