Netflix’s series, The Chosen One is all about a young kid discovering he has divine powers. The deeply religious people of his town soon declared him the next Jesus Christ and sought him out for miraculous solutions. Set in the late 1990s, the show trudges through genres like fantasy fict...
“We’re excited to team up with The Chosen again in bringing these dramatic episodes to theatersnationwide,” said Ray Nutt CEO of Fathom Events. “Fans love this series and the shared communalexperience they can get only in theaters — we can’t wait for them to see the Season Three fi...
The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings.
Find out the release schedule for The Chosen Season 5 when it arrives in theaters in 2025. BySavannah Sanders-5 HOURS AGO Spider-Man's Next Spin-off Movie Set for Historically Bad Box Office Run Aaron Taylor-Johnson's upcoming superhero movie looks like it may be more the hunted than the...
The Chosen is a TV series that follows the life of three people who are chosen to compete for god. The show premiered on ABC Family in 2013 and has since become wildly popular among fans. Season 3 will be premiering soon, which is good news because it was recently announced that season...
TFW2005 friend and sponsor The Chosen Prime brings you their newsletter for this week. See the highlights below and then read on for the complete
In the 2016 election, Mike Pence was chosen, in part, to reassure evangelical voters—a demographic that appears firmly in Trump’s camp today. Consequently, the necessity for such reassurance may be diminished. While some insiders argue for the significance of selecting an effective campaigner as...
The Chosen One: Created by Jorge Dorantes, Everardo Gout, Leopoldo Gout. With Bobby Luhnow, Dianna Agron, Lilith Curiel, Juanito Anguamea. Jodie, a 12-year-old boy living in Baja California Sur, discovers he has Jesus-like powers; he must decide whether
Chosen Prime, Feb 3, 2019 #1 Chosen Prime Well-Known Member Joined: May 29, 2013 Posts: 2,348 News Credits: 345 Trophy Points: 292 Likes: +5,515 Greetings from The Chosen Prime! We have a number of new arrivals and pre-orders available this week, presented below. Let us ...
News Credits: 345 Trophy Points: 292 Likes: +5,512 Greetings from The Chosen Prime! We have new arrivals and pre-orders available this week including those presented below. Let us know if there's a particular figure you're looking for that isn't listed here or on the website. Happ...