plantpowerconsumption plants chosen to repr plants screening plants usually with l plantsgreens plantsf ayout plantde-aerating plaque comprehensive plaque inhibition tes plaquedeck plasma raying plasma annihilator plasma based ion impl plasma body plasma cell dyscrasia plasma confinementpla plasma converter...
XCOM® 2 War of the Chosen, is the expansion to the 2016 award-winning strategy game of the year. XCOM® 2 War of the Chosen adds extensive new content in the fight against ADVENT when additional resistance factions form in order to eliminate the a
titan-itm group titanias chosen titanic cast iron titanitum armor titanium fasteners titanium tetrachlorid titanium-zinc titaniumperoxide titanosauriformes titatnium chelate tither titicaca-see ue s geo titiusjd title 2 the congress title 42 the public h title fees title iii title report title-tree...
Chosen by 96 of the organization’s members (a figure that suggests some members may have lost their voting rights since a count was last made public) and 103 international voters (who, unlike members, are not all journalists, include quite a few Black people and won’t be paid a five-...
The shading interval for the EP flux divergence is 75 m2 s-2, as indicated by the label bar. As in Fig. 1, uneven shading levels are chosen for the streamfunction. The reference vector magnitudes are shown in the upper right of each panel. Full size image In synoptic meteorology, it ...
The other season chosen is from August to November, which features a sea ice concentration of about 80% on average in 2012–2015 and is ice-free in 2092–2095 (Extended Data Fig. 5). The difference in eddy killing in this season between the two climate scenarios can be considered a ...
We have chosen the popular HBO television program Game of Thrones as a case study, because the series has established a reputation for being actively discussed via social media channels (Hernandez, 2013, John, 2014). Our proposed solution, the Westeros Sentinel, is an application built on top ...
Footnote 10 Relative to the chosen lockdown date, a later lockdown would have cost more lives, but reduced the financial impact. In its choice of lockdown date a government implicitly accepted the associated GDP loss rather than bear a greater death toll. Earlier lockdowns would have had ...
Monk: targets a single opponent and continues turn until a target is missed or a different action is chosen, and; Gunner: targets a single opponent, does some damage even on failed actions; The additional attributes needed to describe the characters fully are the heal value of the Healer, ...
(50 m × 50 m) were chosen in secondary wet, mesic and dry grasslands by stratified random sampling from a total of 500 candidate plots on which initial vegetation, soil and land-use surveys were conducted. This ensured that plots covered the whole range of land-use intensities ...