Besides Gene Roddenberry and Herb Solow, the first production staffer to be assigned to this episode was Robert Butler. He was chosen by Roddenberry and Solow, following extensive talks with both NBC Programming and Alden Schwimmer, the boss of Ashley-Famous. NBC was satisfied with the decision,...
Inheritance and development of Chinese calligraphy in our digital era has become so significant since more people have chosen to use computers, phones to record, instead of handwriting. China-Jamaica ties further boosted in 2017 Jamaica considers China a major contributor to global peace, security an...
To put things in perspective, I actually watched the first season a year ago – it was January of last year when I started, and I remember rocking a cold by the time I reached the episode of Yuno getting sick. When I finished, I struggled to identify a thematic element I could focus ...
The new season of “The Diplomat” picks up with the car bomb explosion that ended Season One and never slows down. For my money this Keri Russell starrer is a political thriller on the level of “The West Wing” (not only were both series directed by Alex Graves, but Alison Janney sho...
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Season 3 and 4 were boosted to six episodes apiece and if you haven't seen San Junipero then grab the tissues and watch season 3's immaculately told love story. A Christmas special and Bandersnatch, an interactive episode, are also included as is the fifth season, which stars Miley Cyrus...
a year ago I really meant being constantly bombarded by all the election nonsense. I kind of thought the country would make a better choice after that. I thought it would be temporary nonsense. But no, we have chosen chaos. We have chosen a game show reality TV government because… well...
I'm looking forward to watching the last season. The first two episodes of Atypical Family reminded me A LOT of another Western series: White Lotus (HBO). 3 2 reply Skiee May 16, 2024 at 1:45 AM Yes it's a great show..I haven't watched White Lotus.. will try 0 1 reply ...
“I have chosen not to examine the famous “coercion” argument against religious intolerance. The familiar line runs as follows: Yes, if we could forcibly change the beliefs of others, such coercion might be justified. After all, coercion could produce beliefs that save souls! But coercing bel...
The gentleman next in esteem and authority among us is another bachelor, who is a member of the Inner Temple; a man of great probity, wit, and understanding; but he has chosen his place of residence rather to obey the direction of an old humoursome father, than in pursuit of his own...