Thus, instead of explicitly demanding that experts exercise partiality to victims, the detour of emotionalizing the debate is chosen, so that the respective target group in lectures (e.g., Fegert, 2018, 2019) or reports in the political context (e.g., Hoffmann & Yalcin, 2019; Nationaler ...
Das Ablochschema besteht dann lediglich aus einer mehr oder weniger logischen Folge von Kategorien, von denen jede normierte Daten enthält. Auf regionaler oder nationaler Ebene ist es in der Regel möglich, sich auf ein- heitliche Ansetzungsformen und eine einheitliche Transliteration zu ...
v. d. Deutsch. bot. Ges. Neue Folge 4, 139–169 (1970). 31. Poelt, J. Basidienflechten, eine in den Alpen lange übersehene Pflanzengruppe. Jahrb. Vereins Schutze Alpenpfl. Tiere 40, 81–92 (1975). 32. Eriksson, J., Hjortstam, K. The Corticiaceae of North Europe. Vol. 6...
Statement 366—Grounding the Equipment Statement 1001—Work During Lightning Activity Statement 1004—Installation Instructions Statement 1005—Circuit Breaker Statement 1008—Class 1 Laser Product Statement 1015—Battery Handling
1 The moment seems to me well chosen, for this parcel gives me the satisfaction of a bit of mischief, considering that I answer your last letter precisely this way. So I will take pleasure in thinking that you will now be staying in Venice for a few weeks longer....
Several trials indicate the chosen distance as an optimum for a regression analysis, consistent for the entire study area. A smaller point distance does not change the fit of the calculated regression line. Finally, the obtained drainage area (A) and slope (S) data were examined by a linear...
Thomas Spindler is a Japan-based German translator who worked with Nintendo through a company known as T.S. Word Co. Ltd. Additionally, he was the voice of Wario in the Japanese version of Mario Kart 64, and his "laugh" voice sample was also used...
Eine Reihe von Konferenzen und Symposien Ende der achtziger Jah- re war die Folge, und hier liegen nun einige der dabei vorgelegten Studien in ge- druckter Form vor, ergänzt durch Beiträge weiterer Wissenschaftler. Eine lücken- lose Darstellung existiert damit immer noch nicht, aber ...
He had chosen the Jews for greater worth than any other people. He gave them the best land in the whole world where he showed them his will through the prophets, and he often saved them from life’s difficulties. He chose a virgin from their stock to be his mother. He preached and ...
For the present study, the continuous-free word association method was chosen. With this method, it is possible to guarantee a maximum degree of openness in many respects due to the absence of quantitative or other restrictions. Thus, any number of associations can be named, which are also no...