The highly anticipated Season 4 of “The Chosen” kicks off with its first episode, airing at 8:00 Pm on Sunday, September 1, 2024, on Pix. This new season promises to dive deeper into the lives of the characters, exploring their struggles and triumphs in a turbulent time. In this epis...
The Chosen One: Created by Jorge Dorantes, Everardo Gout, Leopoldo Gout. With Bobby Luhnow, Dianna Agron, Lilith Curiel, Juanito Anguamea. Jodie, a 12-year-old boy living in Baja California Sur, discovers he has Jesus-like powers; he must decide whether
Revelation: Directed by Everardo Gout. With Bobby Luhnow, Dianna Agron, Lilith Curiel, Juanito Anguamea. Some inhabitants of Santa Rosalía unite in mourning, while others group together motivated by fury. Will Jodie be able to calm the agitated waters o
The Chosen One(Season 1, Episode 13) TV Episode|23 min|Animation Edit pageAdd to list Zoom's spiritual mentor - who happens to be a 9 year-old boy - appears in Handler Corners in order to bring Zoom back home to fulfill his destiny as the "Chosen One." ...
The Chosen One, Part 1 (Season 4, Episode 12) TV Episode | Drama Edit page Add to list Time has passed and Sifiso has returned to KZN, learning the ways of his forefathers in preparation to be anointed chief; however, there is growing concern that the boy from Jozi is not fit ...
From watching just episode 1 ofThe Chosen One, you should be either completely hooked or at least intrigued. Actually, the ending of episode 1 shoulddefinitelybe enough to make you watch episode 2. It’s one hell of a cliffhanger!
‘janitors’ – those people tasked with ensuring the Ark’s systems remained functional, and those individuals chosen to be housed in the Ark remain comfortable and alive whilst in cryogenic sleep. It would be unfair for me to elaborate much further on the story this episode tells, suffice ...
The Chosen One《天选之人(2023)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,嗨 莉兹 Hi, Liz. 裘迪 你在做什么 裘迪 跟我来 裘迪 我让你跟我来 快点 我们在画天使 -我们只是在玩 -玩 你不能跟别人玩 裘迪 索尼娅小姐内心有恶魔 她会伤害我们 你吸引太多人的目光了 但是 妈妈
Stewart lends his unmistakable gravitas to Number One, the leader of the Freemason-like secret society the Stonecutters, until it’s revealed that Homer is the Chosen One. From then on, everything goes great for Homer until he realizes something: He wants to lose. Or, in the words of Lisa...
After he's hit by a truck and left effectively braindead, his family make the decision to switch off his life support—after which his body spectacularly resurrects itself, firmly establishing him as The Chosen One. WandaVision: The series opens with Vision inexplicably back after Thanos ...