In The Chosen Season 4, Episode 7, titled "The Last Sign," the series delves into a pivotal moment in Jesus' ministry as the disciples witness the mounting tension between His teachings and the growing resistance from religious authorities. The episode captures the rising stakes as Jesus perform...
The Tiger's Apprentice/The Chosen: With Yasmine Al-Bustami, Jade Halley Bartlett, Vanessa Benavente, Abe Bueno-Jallad. Interviews with the cast and filmmakers of The Tiger's Apprentice (2024), American Star (2024), The Chosen (2017), Miller's Girl (2024)
'The Chosen' creator Dallas Jenkins says the biblical drama's long-awaited fourth season will begin streaming in June 2024.
In the episode "Keita Amano and Chapters of the Chosen", Karen and Keita talk about the gaming club from their school. At one point, Karen tells Keita that all of the students and teachers admire her, even Bowser (whom she refers to as "King Koopa" even in the English dub). The sce...
Chosen One VIP #2014 Shadow of Earth Avenger of Cayde-6 Spawnkiller Rivensbane Neon Nerd (Immaru) Beloved Acolyte (Eris Morn) Champion of Violence (Eris Morn) Meatbag (Immaru) Slayer-Baron Homeworld: Earth Species: Human Race: Player-determined Gender: Player-determined Hair...
The eight-episode series, directed by Georgi Banks-Davies and Runyararo Mapfumo, will all drop at the same time on the streamer.Here’s Netflix’s official synopsis: “Zeus has long enjoyed his status as King of The Gods. That is until he wakes up one morning and discovers a wrinkle ...
However, when I enquired as to how he had chosen the wine, the reply floored even me. “I liked the look of the label” was the chirpy response. Too late to do anything other than see his professional development go down the drain, rather like the plonk that had been bought, we got...
Stewart lends his unmistakable gravitas to Number One, the leader of the Freemason-like secret society the Stonecutters, until it’s revealed that Homer is the Chosen One. From then on, everything goes great for Homer until he realizes something: He wants to lose. Or, in the words of Lisa...
That heart stopping first glimpse at our next cinematic adventure; that perfectly chosen, tone-setting needle drop; that perfectly balanced edit that teases a banger without revealing all of its secrets. The art of the movie trailer is one that's easy to get wrong, and incredibly difficult ...
The Chosen One Based on the comic American Jesus by writer Mark Millar (Kick-Ass, Kingsman) and artist Peter Gross (Lucifer), The Chosen One follows 12-year-old Jodie (Bobby Luhnow), raised in Mexico by his mother Sarah (Dianna Agron). While the young boy would rather hang out with ...