You should choose your partner very carefully, for you are likely to be very dependent on her, particularly when the chips are down. 你应该非常谨慎地选择伴侣,因为特别是在紧要关头,你可能非常依赖她。 2. It proved that when the chips are down in finance , those that lose...
CHIPS纽约交换所资金调拨系统 fish and chipsn. 油煎鱼加炸土豆 upside downa. 1.颠倒的;混乱的 downad. 向下,向南,在下 prep. 在……下,沿着 v. 下降,放下,打倒,砍倒 v. 潦倒 n. 羽绒,绒毛;开阔的高地 Ps【缩写】 1.=[Bible] Psalm 2.=Psalms 微微秒(=Picosecond) 10的负12次方秒。
在'when the chips are down'这个短语中,'chips'一词具有深刻的象征意义。它不仅仅代表赌博或扑克游戏中的筹码,更象征着一种关键时刻的考验或挑战。在这个短语中,'chips'的落下代表着事情发展到了紧要关头,需要人们展现出真正的实力、勇气或决心。这种象征意义使得'when th...
我们前两次讲的习惯用语都和赌博有关,玩儿赌博得有筹码也就是chip。今天我们来讲几个由chip这个词发展而来的习惯用语。第一个是:the chips are down。习惯用语the chips are down来历已久。它来自扑克牌桌。描绘的是下赌注的筹码都已经放在桌面上而打扑克的人即将摊牌...
The chips are down 原文 Silicon valley, theheartland[1] of America’s technology industry, takes its name from the chemical element that is the most important ingredient in microchips. Most of the attention it now attractsis directedat[1] companies such as Facebook, Google and Apple,which are...
(The) chips are down. (一般常与 when 连用)面临关键时刻,临到最后关头 用法及例句:When the chips a... 475 次阅读分类于:美国俚语 俚语chipper的意思解释和用法例句 chipper (美国俚语) chipper用法一 用作名词的意思:偶尔吸毒者 用法及例句:Amy is only a chip-per... 1...
when the chips are down的意思是“when you are in a very difficult or dangerous situation, especially one that makes you understand the true value of people or things”,即“紧急关头,关键时刻”。chip这个词有“(作赌注用的)筹码”的意思。19世纪中期,人们在赌博时,筹码下落的时刻就是下注的时候...
the chips are down A situation has become especially difficult, desperate, or hard to recover from. The expression alludes to having a low amount of poker chips, which means that one may soon lose. You can tell a lot about a person's character from how they act when the chips are ...