There are many reasons why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system.(中国以其古老的文明而闻名,尽管历史上经历了许多起伏,但它一直延续到现代。这是可能的原因有很多,但一个主要因素是中国的文字系统)”结合文章主要介绍了汉语的历史,历史演变过程以及汉字的...
教材原文课文译文THE CHINESE WRITING SYSTEM中国文字体系:连接过去与现在CONNECTING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT尽管在历史的长河中有盛有衰,中国古Chin a is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued文明一直流传至今,并被世界广泛认识。 中all the way through into modern times, despite the ...
THECHINESE WRITING SYSTEM: CONNECTINGTHE PAST AND THE PRESENT 汉语书写体系:连接古今 China is widely known for itsancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into modern times,despite the many ups and downs in its history. There are many reasons why thishas been possible, but on...
EmperorQinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where theChinese writing system began to develop in one direction. That writing systemwas of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture. E...
必修一unit5 The Chinese Writing System账号已注销 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 409 1 15:01 App The Shadowy World of Umbral Calculus 541 0 20:41 App 1 初中地理亚洲区域地理 初中 说课 2.9万 75 05:09 App 外国游客问我:秦是最早的朝代吗? 4780 1 39:35 App 马斯克惊爆:...
There are many reasons why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system.(中国以其古老的文明而闻名,尽管历史上有许多起伏,但它一直延续到现代。这有很多原因,但其中一个主要因素是中国的书写系统。)”以及后文可知,文章第一段作用是为了引出本文的话题——中国...
【题目】课文预读THE CHINESE WRITING SYSTEM①:CONNECTING THE PAST AND THE PRESENTChina is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has con-tinued all the way through into modern times, despite the many upsand downs@ in its history. There are many reasons why this has beenpossible,but ...
第一次录说课,真的好难啊!首先一些专有名词根本就不了解,其次要在每个每个部分加入核心素养最后要记得东西太多,如果不用ppt展示的话没有层次本课比较满意的三个部分是*借鉴小红书所画的bridge的板书*further reading的部分,用视频来开启讨论,搭建读后口语支架,深挖文
Uint5ReadingTheChineseWritingSystem:connectingthepastandthepresent LearningObjectives(学习目标)Attheendofclass,Iwillbeableto:1.gettoknowthedevelopmentofChinesewritingsystematdifferenttimes;2.exploretheimportanceofChinesewritingsystem;3.expresspersonalopinionsaboutthefuturedevelopmentofChinese. TheChineseWritingSystem:co...
WOOKBOOK Unit 4 Reading and Writing 1812023-05 9 WORKBOOKUnit 5 Reading 1832023-05 10 U5 The Chinese Writing System 1822023-05 查看更多 猜你喜欢 819 The Fila Party-Chi Marz by:嘻哈有态度 1.7万 The Hate U Give by:Wendy的音频 603 The Changemakers-U-N-I by:嘻哈有态度 2.7万 KB4-U3&U4...