期刊信息 主管单位:-- 主办单位:ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 主 编:-- 地 址:United States 邮政编码:-- 电子邮件:-- 邮发代号:-- 单 价:-- 电 话:-- 期刊简介 The Chinese Economy is now included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index.The Chinese Economy...
In a sign of calming down,the overheating Chinese economy headed for growth in tune with microeconomic controls in the first quarter of 2008 On April 16,the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)released the eco- nomic data of the first quarter for this year,which backed the tighten- ing efforts...
美国英文学术期刊《The Chinese Economy》(中国经济)副主编 英文学术期刊《Online Journal of Social Sciences Research》主编 英文学术期刊《Journal of Chinese Economics and Foreign Trade Studies》编委 美国哈佛大学国际发展研究所研究顾问 中国留美经济学会(Chinese Economists Society)两届副会长(2000-01, 2002-03)...
篇名Pudong New District and the Chinese Economy 来源期刊今日中国:英文版学科经济 关键词 年,卷(期)2000,(4)所属期刊栏目 研究方向页码范围17-19 页数3页分类号F127 字数语种 DOI 相关学者/机构 期刊影响力 今日中国:英文版 主办单位: 今日中国杂志社 ...
期刊简介 Brief Introduction to Risk Sciences 即将出版的Risk Sciences是由科爱公司与清华大学经济管理学院共同主办的国际学术期刊。旨在发表并促进风险与颠覆性科技相关领域的科学研究与行业实践,其涉及领域包括:农业、经济、工程、环境、金融、健康、法律、管理、自然科学等。为首部在亚洲地区创建的风险科学领域国际学术...
So Capital Economics has developed a “China activity proxy” to gauge growth. There is a long tradition of analysts using alternative sources to measure the Chinese economy. In their latest proxy Messrs Evans-Pritchard and Williams include eight indicators, from property sales to seaport cargo. T...
The conference aims to discuss both theoretical and empirical questions that deepen our knowledge of credit intermediation, local fiscal policy, shadow banking, market liquidity, and financial market stability. In the two decades of the 21st century, the Chinese economy has assumed a pivotal role in...
So Capital Economics has developed a “China activity proxy” to gauge growth. There is a long tradition of analysts using alternative sources to measure the Chinese economy. In their latest proxy Messrs Evans-Pritchard and Williams include eightindicators, from property sales to seaport cargo. The...
《知识经济杂志》(Journal Of The Knowledge Economy)是一本由Springer Nature出版的以ECONOMICS为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该学科领域科学信息的快速交流。该期