The China Syndrome A reporter finds what appears to be a cover-up of safety hazards at a nuclear power plant. Title Summary All ReleasesOriginal ReleaseOriginal Release All TerritoriesDomesticDomestic Grosses Domestic (100%) $51,718,367 International (–)...
It is getting too cold for tourists in Xi'an and the visitation pressure comes off the terracotta warriors. The cold doesn't stop the nighty flood of visitors to the Great Tang Mall stretching south from the Big Wild Goose pagoda where the first Buddhist scripture in China were translated ...
【中国综合症 The China Syndrome (1979)】 豆瓣评分8.0。又名《大特写》。导演詹姆斯·布里奇斯(代表作:力争上游 The Paper Chase)。主演简·方达、杰克·莱蒙、迈克尔·道格拉斯。一部30多年前的米国电影。女记者(简·方达)和摄影师(迈克尔·道格拉斯)拍到加利福尼亚一家核电站控制室发生故障的情景,且发现这是...
中国综合症 The China Syndrome 中国综合症 The China Syndrome Five reasons why the U.S. can stay ahead of the Middle Kingdom. ?? 中国综合征为何美国能够领先中国的五个原因。 ?? Chinas ascension to the worlds second-largest economy, surpassing Japan, has led to predictions that it will ...
1 0 1 The China Syndrome (1979) PG | Drama, Thriller Official Trailer Related Videos 3:54 After Devastation of "Chernobyl," What to Watch Next Chernobyl 1814 2:31 Watch Now on Apple TV+ Luck 3226 2:48 Sunday in New York Sunday in New York ...
The China Syndrome: How Subsidies and Government Intervention Created the World’s Largest Steel Industry Tax Benefits for Foreign Invested Entities 32 Tax Benefits for Specific Regions 34 Tax Subsidies Identified as Actionable by the Canadian Government 34 ...
过度训练综合症的预防、诊断和治疗 prevention,diagnosis,and treatment of the overtraining syndrome 热度: 中国综合症 TheChinaSyndrome FivereasonswhytheU.S.canstayaheadoftheMiddleKingdom. 中国综合征 为何美国能够领先中国的五个原因。 China'sascensiontotheworld'ssecond-largesteconomy,surpassingJapan,hasledto ...
网络中国综合症;大特写;中国症候群 网络释义
The China Syndrome “The China Syndrome” is a terrific thriller that incidentally raises the most unsettling questions about how safe nuclear power plants really are. It was received in some quarters as a political film, and the people connected with it make no secret of their doubts about ...
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