So, now that Ms. Minger has summarized a lot of the data from the China Study, I thought it would be interesting to see whether the China Study data is supportive of the Perfect Health Diet. The China Study data, as summarized by Ms. Minger, is relevant to four of our claims. 1. ...
M. (2004). The China study: Startling implications for diet, weight loss, and long-term health. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books.Campbell, TC & Campbell, TM 2004, The China Study: startling implications for diet, weight loss and long-term health, Benbella Books, Dallas....
The China Study的创作者 ··· T·Colin Campbell PhD 作者 作者简介 ··· T•柯林•坎贝尔(T.Colin Campbell) 坎贝尔博士,康奈尔大学终身教授,被誉为“世界营养学界的爱因斯坦”,四十多年来一直身处营养科学研究的最前沿。他还是最强致癌物“二恶英”的主要发现者。1982年6月,他为美国国家科学院撰写...
Campbell. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health. Dallas, TX: BenBella, 2005. Print.Campbell TC, Campbell TM. The China study: the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted ...
CONTEXT: Diet reportedly alters serum sex hormone concentrations in adults, but little is known about the influence of diet during puberty on these hormones. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine whether an intervention to lower fat intake during adolescence alters serum sex hormone concentrations and progr...
The China Studyis not a diet book. T. Colin Campbell and Thomas Campbell cut through the haze of misinformation and deliver an insightful message to anyone living with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and those concerned with the effects of aging. ...
Objective In order to assess the safety of dietary lead(Pb) and cadmium(Cd) intakes in different areas in China,we carried out Chinese total diet study(TDS) in 2000 and obtained total lead and cadmium contents and intakes data and assessed the safety of lead and cadmium in Chinese dietary....
The Eastern Zhou (770–221 BCE) was an important period of social transformation in ancient China. The development of class- and gender-based stratification of this period had profound effects on human diet. We aim to examine the relationships among diet, class, and sex (as a proxy for gend...
Dietary Balance Index-07 and the Risk of Anemia in Middle Aged and Elderly People in Southwest China: A Cross Sectional Study In this study, we assessed diet quality of middle aged and elderly people based on Chinese Diet Balance Index-07 (DBI-07) and explored the associations... Q Zhang...
a中国的饮食以植物为主,主食为五谷,辅食是蔬菜,外加少量肉类,而且多以熟食热食为主。 China's diet take the plant primarily, the staple food as the grain, the supplementary food is vegetables, sur- few meats, moreover many by prepared food hot food primarily.[translate]...