The Children Under the House: Directed by Paul Catalanotto. With Everly Catalanotto, Mary Nguyen Catalanotto. Julia Luu, a child therapist, finds that a young girl's imaginary friends might be more than they seem.
This list of implied characters is a list of characters that have not physically appeared in any form of media up to this point in time. Regardless of their lack of appearance, the implied characters have been mentioned at least once throughout the...
The Children Under the House (2022) Home 1 of 1
The way they approach the dilemma is typical of their characters. Dick, the younger, has been staying with Robert’s family and has fallen in love with Viola, the daughter of the house. Their engagement is a secret one as the play begins, largely because they are concerned how Robert will...
Toads, also known as the Mushroom People or simply Mushrooms, are a peaceful race of mushroom-like, humanoid characters and the dominant species of the Mushroom Kingdom. Toads reside in many towns and cities throughout the entire kingdom and have a...
The line illustrations by Frank Ramspott bring to life all the imaginings and characters and poetry within, but don't overpower all the layers of text. And I do love all the layers. I might read and write haiku because I NEED the spareness it requires/provides, but that is probably beca...
Jo liked to write plays, and the four of them were going to act one that evening. They had learned their words, and had worked hard to make strange and wonderful clothes for all the different characters in the play. On Christmas night, some other girls came to watch. ...
The children ran to the Emperor. They told him about the gunpowder under the palace. 孩子们跑去皇帝那里。 他们告诉皇帝关于宫殿底下,炸药的事情。 "Some people want to blow up the palace tonight," they said. 他们说:一些人想要在今晚炸掉这个宫殿。
My walks will always include people who sell sex. For my walk in September’s Totally Thames Festival, “Scratching Out a Living”, I created six characters whose jobs were common amongst the poor in 14th-century London. One is a laundress who can’t make ends meet unless she also sells...
§题干关键词“tourists…Sledmere House”对应“Organ music is played on Thursday afternoons”。 §命题与语篇结构关系:考查单个景点的独特活动。 o23题:What is the ticket price for children at Bridlington Bird & Animal Park? §题干关键词“ticket price…children…Bridlington Bird & Animal Park”直接...