Children of the Corn《玉米地的小孩(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,驾 小红马 驾 Come on, Red. Giddyup. 快点 牛仔 Giddyup, come on. Ride em, cowboy. 我们去抓逃犯 Lets get those outlaws. 我们快到了 快 Were almost there. Come on! 快了 我们快到了 Got it. We
那天只有我一个孩子去教堂 l was the only kid in church that day. 别的孩子都跟艾萨克去玉米地了 The others were with lsaac out in the cornfield. 我爸爸不喜欢艾萨克 所以我去不了 I didn't get to go 'cause Dad didn't like lsa... 文档格式:DOCX | 页数:46 | 浏览次数:38 | 上传日期:...
你在玉米地里多久了 How long were you out in the corn? 希望不是又一整夜 Not all night again, I hope. 我不希望你再哭了 伊登 I don't want you to cry anymore, Eden. 别担心 伊登 Don't worry, Eden. 玉米地里没什么会真正死去 Nothing ever really dies in the corn. 博伊... 文档格式...
玉米地的小孩 Children of the Corn(2009)完整中英文台词剧本.docx,玉米地的小孩 Children of the Corn(2009)完整中英文台词剧本 When our weepings over He will bid us welcome We shall come rejoicing Bringing in the sheaves Bringing in the sheaves Bringing in the
Children in the CornMarilyn YGrand Meadow
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玉米地的小孩 Children of the Corn电影,after the adults' irresponsibility ruins the crop and the children's future.
>玉米田的小孩 Children of the Corn 原名: Children of the Corn 片长: 92 分钟 制片国家/地区: 美国 编剧: George Goldsmith (I) / 斯蒂芬·金 导演: Fritz Kiersch 上映日期: 1984-03-09(美国) 又名: 魔鬼仔, 玉米田里的小孩, 玉米地的小孩, 玉米地的男孩, 镰刀梦魇, 玉米地的孩子 imdb编号: tt...
《玉米地的小孩 Children of the Corn》于2009上映。是由Donald P. Borchers执导, 由Donald P. Borchers担任主编, 演员David Anders, Kandyse McClure, Daniel Newman等主演的《玉米地的小孩 Children of the Corn》是一部惊悚, 恐怖类型电影。 数十年不遇的灾难袭击了内布拉斯加州的加特林镇,男孩艾塞克(普利斯...