The Children Act: Directed by Richard Eyre. With Emma Thompson, Stanley Tucci, Reena Lalbihari, Dominic Carter. As her marriage crumbles, a judge must decide a case involving a teenage boy who is refusing a blood transfusion on religious principle.
Legal MelodramaThe Children ActShowcases a Stellar Thompson High Court Judge Fiona Maye (Emma Thompson) specializes in juvenile cases, especially as they pertain to the medical profession. The latest case she is presiding over is one of her most challenging, 17-year-old teenager Adam Henry (Fion...
又名判决The Children's Act The Chil... 编剧 Ian McEwan 主演 菲恩·怀特海德艾玛·汤普森斯坦利·图奇本·卓别林Jason Watkins 剧情 一位声名显赫的高等法院法官Fiona Maye,她和教授丈夫的婚姻来到破碎的临界点,而一项棘...视频(4) 02:15 预告片 《儿童法案》台版中字预告片2 02:18 预告片 《儿童...
儿童法案/麦克尤恩作品 [The Children Act] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 编辑推荐 适读人群 :知识分子,文学青年,白领、小资读者 《儿童法案》是一部语言凝练有力,情感丰沛的小说。《儿童法案》这部新作中,麦克尤恩触及了又一个崭新的领域:法律。他用诗意的文学语言结合精准的法律术语,向读者展现了一...
The Children Act《儿童法案(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: 片名:判决 巴♥赫♥:C 小调第二号♥变奏曲 (BACH: Partita No 2 in C Minor) 可以睡了吗? -- 嗯 - Are you coming to bed? - Hmm. 菲? Fi? 明天这个案子,要... It's tomorrow, the... ...
The Children Act:无翼者的悲哀 去年十月从波代诺内回国时在航班上看了《儿童法案》(The Children Act, 2017),时至今日依然清晰的是Emma Thompson表演中的刻骨之痛——那看似不知所起的无力和疏离与编织生活的万千细微线索缠绕在一起,穿透她每一次皱眉、每一滴泪水和欲言又止的沉默凝滞于胸口,无法消散。因你和...
The Children and Social Work Act 2017 (Commencement No. 6 and Saving Provision) Regulations 2019doi:2019 No. 1436 (C. 50)介绍性文本1.引文和解释2.条款于1993年12月2日生效.保存条款SignatureExplanatory注释关于早期开工令
Smart, elegant, and deeply moving, The Children Act stars two-time Academy Award-winner Emma Thompson in a powerful and riveting performance as Fiona Maye, a British High Court judge who, in the midst of a marital crisis, must rule on a life-changing legal case concerning the survival of ...
What was to judge? (查看原文) 不良少女劉蘭蒂 2017-05-15 02:59:50 —— 引自第115页 > 我来写笔记 > The Children Act 作者: Ian McEwan isbn: 0385539703 书名: The Children Act 页数: 240 定价: GBP 14.75 出版社: Nan A. Talese 出版年: 2014-9-9 装帧: Hardcover...
作者:Ian McEwan 书名:The Children Act《儿童法案》 英文简介:A fiercely intelligent, well-respected High Court judge in London faces a morally ambiguous case while