Children in CareBirth FamilyContactCare PlansChild SafetyConsultationSocial WorkTen years after the implementation of the Children Act 1989 in England and Wales, a review of how its main provisions were working out in practice was undertaken by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to...
ChildrenAct1989 January2003:VictoriaClimbieInquiryreportbyLordlaming September2003:EveryChildMatters,GreenPaper ChildrenAct2004 IntroductiontotheChildrenAct1989 ChildrenAct1989(CA)isakeypieceoflegislation,bothinprivatelawandpublic law,dealingwithresponsibilitiesofindividualsandthestatetowardschildrenand youngpeoplein...
This paper considers the implications of including general and non-welfare day care services for children under 8 years in the Children Act, a mainly welfare measure. Day care services do not benefit from becoming subject to any broad principles contained within the Act. With respect to these pa...
For those children and their families the level of services offered by the local authority and by other agencies can mean the difference between frustration and contentment. This article seeks to highlight the main principles underlying the Children Act, and to explore some of the implications of ...
Even the risk of ear infections in children is 2.4 time higher for mouth breathers than nasal breathers (van Bon et al, 1989) and nine and ten year old children who mouth breath have significantly poorer quality of life and have higher use of medications (Leal et al, 2016). Breathing ...
Environmental sanitation and undernutrition among China’s children and adolescents from 1989 to 2011 China’s history of large-scale water, sanitation and clean energy investments offers promising insights into the development of new interventions to reduce linear growth faltering among children and adol...
One of the key principles of The Children Act 1989 was that children and young people should, in the light of their age and understanding, be consulted and participate in decisions affecting their lives, provided that this approach did not jeopardise their welfare. Throughout 1991 the Department...
Love in a Cold Climate: Section 8 applications under the Children Act 1989 The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 brings together aspects of family, child care and adoption law that affect children. The Act deliberately seeks to incorporate the 3 key principles of the United Nations Convention on the...
The government has published guidance around this. Theguidance[PDF] was published by the Ministry of Justice in March 2011. The guidance is principles based rather than prescriptive. The six principles enshrined in the guidance are: 1.Proportionate procedures ...
Policymakers need to start considering the impact smart connected toys (SCTs) have on children. Equipped with sensors, data processing capacities, and conn