Emotional Intelligence and the Childbirth EducatorMorrison, MaryMorrison, Jeanne
a情绪智力(emotional intelligence)的概念是由美国耶鲁大学的萨洛维(Salove)和新罕布什尔大学的玛依尔(Mayer)提出的,是指“个体监控自己及他人的情绪和情感,并识别、利用这些信息指导自己的思想和行为的能力” Mood intelligence (emotional intelligence) the concept is and university of new hampshire's Masurium il ...
被高估的“情商” | The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence 自从情商的概念在1990年被提出,就被许多领导者、政策制定者和教育学家视为解决诸多社会问题的关键。情商即我们通常所说的EQ(emotional intelligence Quotient),是一种能够识别、了解和管理自己的情绪的能力。 作为现代社会的一种“软实力”,情商的地位被...
age from 14 to 18 years, completed a set of questionnaires consisting of a childhood trauma questionnaire, parent-attachment scale, emotional intelligence scale, and the Inventory of CU traits. The results revealed that childhood maltreatment, parental attachment, and emotional intelligence were all ...
【典例印证1】(2021·新高考I卷,D)Although thecontinuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence isdesirable, we hope that such attention will excite a greaterinterest in the scientific and scholarly study of emotion. 答案 技法剖析提主干:句子主干为 we hope that..。寻关联,辨逻辑:此句为复合句,Al...
【题目】As the concept of emotional intelligence (EI)has gone global, we've watched professionals fail as they try to improve their emotional intelligence because they either don't know where to focus their efforts or they haven't understood how to improve these skills on a practical level. ...
The concept of Emotional Intelligence(EQ or EI)was first given by Peter Salovey and John Mayer, but it became widely popular after the publication of Daniel Goleman’s best seller " Emotional Intelligence” in 1995. The meaning of emotional intelligence is " Knowing how you and others feel and...
根据文章第一段“Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and ‘people skills.’ 如今,许多人都误解情商是一个人的性格、动机...
前文“One of the cores of emotional intelligence is self-regulation, an important skill in the workplace. Like any skill, mastery of emotional self-control requires intentionality and practice. (情商的核心之一是自我调节,这是工作场所的一项重要技能。像任何技能一样,掌握情绪自我控制需要有意识和实践)...
Finally,emotionalintelligenceisanessentialpartofpersonalgrowthanddevelopment.Emotionalintelligenceallowsindividualstobecomemoreself-aware,understandingtheirownemotions,values,andmotivations.Thisself-awarenessleadstogreaterpersonalgrowth,increasedresilience,andimprovedoverallwell-being. Inconclusion,emotionalintelligenceisacrucial...