Bart VanderhaegenCentre for Malting and Brewing ScienceHedwig NevenHubert VerachtertGuy DerdelinckxElsevier LtdFood ChemistryVanderhaegen B,Neven H,Verachtert H,et al. The chemistry of beer aging - a critical review[J]. Food Chemistry,2006,95( 3) : 357 - 381...
Dream Brewing The End of the Universe Double Americano IPA (Can) 产地:中国 风格: IPA 美式IPA 酒精度: 8.5% 苦度(IBU): N/A 色卡: 1 总体评分80分 3.78 分 65 条评论 想喝: 17 喝过: 178 啤酒简介 我们严格地控制了水晶麦芽的投放量,酒体清亮透明,口感清脆顺滑。酒花风味的表达,如同一颗杀伤力...
What makes beer the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage? From hops to final product, breweries employ microbiology, chemistry, physics, and a lot of attention to detail to make the product safe, and look and taste great. Helping them every step of the way are Thermo Fisher Scientific techn...
Production of Trappist beer takes place under the supervision of monks of the Abbey | ©Bières de Chimay The brewing must come second to core religious activity and is not intended as a profit-making venture beyond covering living expenses and maintenance of the abbey. Any surplus is used fo...
Beer bar brewing The Peak of Hangzhou Bitter 产地:中国 风格: 英式啤酒 苦啤 酒精度: 4.6% 苦度(IBU): 31 色卡: 3 总体评分N/A N/A 1 条评论 想喝: 0 喝过: 7 啤酒简介 棕红色健壮且柔滑的酒体,充斥着烤饼干与烤面包的香甜,伴随葡萄 干的风味,收口微苦,随后回甘。
The science of brewing酿造科学 Brooklyn Brewery Brewmaster Garrett Oliver, editor of "The Oxford Companion to Beer" (OUP 2011) 布鲁克林啤酒厂酿酒师 Garrett Oliver,《牛津啤酒伴侣》(OUP 2011)的编辑
Flathead Lake Brewing Co. The Flathead Lake Brewing Company started in 2004 in Bigfork, Montana. Our owner Greg Johnston has two very specific goals. The first: to make the best beer ever. The second: to have fun doing it. Read More Link to article This is Indie Beer Raices Brewing...
(Washington Beer Blog — January 31, 2025) Bitter-Sweet, the Hale’s Ale Brewery Auction Opens Today(Washington Beer Blog — January 29, 2025) Crucible Brewing Grand Reopening in Everett this Weekend(Washington Beer Blog — January 27, 2025) Slippery Pig Brewing Announces It’s Closing. Last...
一年一度来自Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine杂志的读者共同评选🌟🌟Top 25 Beers of 2023🌟🌟🔥🔥2023年度最佳啤酒TOP25榜单🔥🔥(括号内为2022年度榜单排名)1. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (1)内华达山脉 淡艾2. Russian River Pliny the Elder IIPA (3)俄罗斯河 PTE DIPA3. Bell’s Two Hearted ...